Can jobs in ExactSpent be subdivided?
Posted by Vitaliy Hutyk (AIT) on 08 May 2020 11:55 AM

Q: I wondered if it is possible to add tasks to a client job. For instance, I would like to track how much time I spend on actually translating the job, but also the time I spend on research or going through reference material, on e-mailing, preparing the project, invoicing, rereading my translation, formatting etc., that is to say on all the different aspects that are related to the job and that are not included in the price per word.

And if so, if it is possible to integrate those tasks in general for every job, so that it wouldn't be necessary to name every task specifically, as they are mainly the same tasks.


A: No, jobs in ExactSpent can not be subdivided in this way.
However, you can create two jobs: One for the "Translation proper" the other for "additional work" and switch between them as needed.

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