Translation Office 3000 has its own folder structure which is located
in the Business folder. Under this folder, two main sub-folders are
created: Clients and Projects. When some client is created in TO3000,
the appropriate folder is created for this clie...
Projetex has its own file sharing and synchronization system, which
does not require any additional folder sharing settings on the server
PC. It has two sets of files: on local machines (Business folders) and
on the server computer (BusinessServer folder)...
Freelancers can be searched by name for the freelance team in two
1. Go to "Projects > Project > Freelance Team", click the Add button,
select the type of search from the drop-down list, then type the name
of the appropriate freelancer and click t...
To get access to the Projetex Server Administrator and Workstation,
please use the following default login and password:
Login: admin
Password: admin
The default password can be changed in "Administrator > Users and
Access" in the Backstage View.
Some anti-viruses may wrongly recognize Themida as a potential threat.
We are aware of this situation. Most detections happen with Avira Free
Antivirus (it states there is a TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen signature within
the executable), but other anti-virus or an...
The most likely cause is the loss of Color settings. To reset your
Color settings to default, please go to Settings > Current User >
'Colors: General' and click the 'Reset All to Ocean' or 'Reset All to
Silver' button. Then go to Settings > Current User >...
Projetex and TO3000 support all currencies. You can add any currency
you need. For this, please go to the "Corporate/Business Settings >
Currencies" page. Then click the New button and enter a currency's
3-letter abbreviation and a descriptive name to the...
To upgrade from Translation Office 3000, version 10 to Projetex 9,
please perform the following steps:
1. Copy your database file of TO3000, which is located in the
C:UsersPublicDocumentsAITTO3000, Version 10db folder into the Database
folder of Projete...
Projetex has its own folder structure, which is located in the
Business folder. Inside this folder, several main sub-folders are
created, including Clients and Projects. When a client is created in
Projetex, the appropriate folder is created for this clie...
Please clean your browser's cache.
Here are some guides on how to do that:
Google Chrome:
Internet Explorer:
You can avoid these letters in the future by downloading our products
from your personal profile at
If you update from TO3000 version 3D or higher, please use the backup
of your database, made in your older version of TO3000. Restore it in
the latest version of Translation Office, and all necessary scripts
will be applied automatically.
The usual way ...
You can find the Projetex Automation Engine on the server machine at
Start>All Programs>Projetex 3D>Projetex Server:
Or at the default address "C:Program files (x86)AITProjetex
3DProjetex ServerAdministratorProjetexAE.exe"
The default business folder location is C:Business (The drive letter
may be different. If you install the program on a drive D, for
example, the Business folder will be created on that drive.)
You can update the path to your Business folder like this:
1. Open the Backstage View.
2. Select "Advanced Settings >> Folders >> General" and click Change
to select the appropriate folder.
You can create two databases for your two accounts, and manage them
separately by doing the following:
1. Install TO3000 using the "INSTALL AN EMPTY DATABASE" option when
prompted. This will be your DATABASE 1.
2. Rename the folder _"C:USERSPUBLICDOCU...
Client jobs can be created from the PROJECT > CLIENT JOBS section.
Client jobs cannot be created from the CLIENT > CLIENT JOBS section
and from the RIBBON > CLIENT JOBS section. These sections are not
linked to any partic...
We suggest trying VIRTUALBOX for this purpose. This software allows
you to install a virtual machine which can be run as a regular
MAC/LINUX/SOLARIS application. Then you will be able to install MS
WINDOWS within this virtual machine. All these operations...
Each invoice or project receives a unique number and it cannot be
changed or passed to another invoice.
Therefore, custom numbers for invoices or projects may be increased
only. You can skip some numbers by increasing the Next Global Invoice
Code or Nex...
The messages you receive are the automatically generated emails which
have been sent by our follow-up system. This system starts counting
from the day you have requested a download link for the product. You
can click the link on the bottom of the follow-u...
Usually, we respond to all support queries within 24 hours. If you
still have not received any response, please check your SPAM folder.
Most likely, our letters are trapped there. Also, we suggest you add
our domains @TO3000.COM, @PROJETEX.COM, @ANYCOUNT....
Our company provides schools and universities with a 50% DISCOUNT on
educational licenses. If you would like use this offer, please contact
us at and provide us with information about the
license you are interested in.
This kind of error usually occurs if you used a registration email
different from the one used with your original license, thus creating
a new account for the upgrade, rather than adding it to the existing
Please send us a letter to one of the foll...
Q: I have a client for whom I do short jobs; to avoid frequent
invoicing and small bank transfers, he simply pays me a sum in
advance. As I do jobs, I credit the advance fee till it is gone and
then he sends me more money.
Can I account for such an arra...
Please create a ticket with all the details about the problem at
[] Include information about the
product you are interested in. Our technical support team will create
a temporary, 30-da...
If you have ordered the software via Share-It, please check this
If you used PayPal to order the product, please send us a letter to, support...
Q: I see that Projetex has the project code in 4 digits.
That means the maximum project code is 9999.
What will happen when we reach project code 9999?
A: Projetex supports project codes with more that 4 digits.
After you create project number 9999, ...
Q: I see that Translation Office 3000 has the project code in 4
That means the maximum project code is 9999.
What will happen when we reach project code 9999?
A: Translation Office 3000 supports project codes with more that 4
After yo...
Most likely, this situation is caused by incompatibility with another
application running on your computer.
For instance, some applications which monitor system activity such as
Filemon, Procmon etc. may not be compatible with our software
protection sy...
It is possible that you have recently installed some application which
causes the issue. It may be a piece of anti-virus software, a
clipboard manipulation tool, inline translation or text parse tool.
You may want to remove these newly installed applicati...
The error message means that the Projetex Server cannot get access to
the specified file. Please make sure you have access to write to the
corresponding subfolder in the BusinessServer folder and that the
target file is not opened in another application o...
If you have an iMac, MacMini, MacBook Pro or other Apple hardware and
run Windows via BootCamp, you may face some difficulties with specific
characters (those that require AltGr).
We recommend using a PC keyboard with your Apple computer.
Please also ...
We have prepared a query which will extract client information from
the Projetex database.
Please copy the code to the clipboard, then open the Projetex Server
Administrator, proceed to the "Corporate Settings" - "Queries" tab,
click "New" and paste the...
Totals are being displayed automatically for "Job Total (EUR)" columns
in the Client Jobs window.
Please click the asterisk in the top-left corner of the table and
enable "Job Total (EUR)". Now you should see the totals for client
jobs in the status lin...
In Projetex 3D, we have added numerous new features and have changed
the program significantly.
Here are the main highlights:
* New database engine
* Multiple-Document Interface: users will now be able to work with
multiple windows simultaneously,...
To upgrade to Projetex 3D, you will need to order the corresponding
license here:
Prices are listed on the website and depend on the number of
workstations you...
The Projetex 3D Server uses TCP ports 212 and 47111.
Please make sure these ports are opened and accessible on the computer
where the Projetex 3D Server is installed.
You can check whether these ports are opened using the following
commands on your se...
Q: Projetex crashes when I log in. When I view the bugreport, I can
see the string
_exception message : Cannot create file "C:UsersAppDataLocalAITProjetex 10SettingsProjetex.ini". Access is
in the report.
A: Please open...
Q: I get an error when exporting my report to MS Excel. The operation
works fine in RTF.
Here is the error message:
Error while opening Excel
Class not registered ClassID:
A: Please repair your Office installation a...
Retrieving your installerslicence codes is easy. Please do the
1. Log into your personal account at
2. Select the program you want to install/activate.
3. Download...
A single job can not be associated with multiple invoices.
However, you can create multiple jobs in a single project.
Name these jobs in a way that makes it clear they are parts of a
single "actual job" and indicate their cost as a corresponding
The number of user accounts you can add to your Projetex 3D network is
unlimited, but only a certain number of those accounts can be active
at any given time.
Every concurrent workstation connection available to your license also
gives you the right to ...
To change your TO3000 registration name, please do the following:
1. Contact our support at
[] and give both your current
registration name and your desired new name. It is recommended...
The password to unlock archives with the trial version of our software
is displayed on the download page linked in our reply to a download
The password is 'AIT' (no quotes, all caps).
You can use CCleaner to remove those elements of the AnyCount word
count tool [] from the context menu.
Please follow the provided link for more information:
Certain fields in Invoices, Paymets, etc. are often left empty, but
are useful to display if they are not.
To make a template check if a field has a value before displaying it,
you can use the following expressions (replace FIELD_VAR_NAME with the
To find the total number of words translated over a certain period,
please do the following:
1. Go to the Client Jobs/Corporte Jobs/Freelance Jobs window.
2. Using the Local Custom Filter, display only the entries that you
want to sum. For example, to...
You can add new services to the TO3000 database by doing the
1. In the Backstage View, go to "Business Settings>>Services".
2. Click New, then select the Group of services you want to add a new
service to (it is recommended to add language ...
You can add new services to the Projetex database by doing the
1. Go to the Backstage view and select "Corporate Settings>>Services".
2. Click New, then select a Group of services you want to add a new
service to (it is recommended to add l...
It does not really matter what languages you work with.
Projetex is a translation management program, intended to help
administrate the workflow and financial transactions within a
translation agency, regardless of the particular services it provides.
All prices for Projetex 3D are visible at
[] .
Just click "Order" and you will be taken to the Price list.
Click a price to go to the corresponding ShareIt checko...
First, please create a backup of your database on your current
machine. You can create a backup file (.BAK) in the Server
administrator program (Database tab > Backup)
Download the Projetex setup file and retrieve your license keys from
your profile at ...
Please do the following:
* Go to CORPORATE TEAM >> CORPORATE EXPERT, select an expert in MAIN
and switch to CALENDAR.
2. Select the time period you want to view (like MONTH VIEW) and
click GO TO TODAY. The current time will be marked in orange, and ...
Versions 3D and older of the AnyCount word count tool
[] uses Microsoft Office programs when processing
An error such as this may appear if you have recently manipulated your
installattion of Microsoft Office (installing, ...
The Company Name in Projetex 3D is taken from the name you indicated
when purchasing your licence.
To change it, please do the following:
* Submit a ticket with a request to change your registration name.
Please indicate both your current and desire...
No, this folder contains service files for AIT programs and is not to
be moved.
To upgrade from Translation Office 3000 v10 or v11, please purchase
the license code here:
or here: [htt...
This kind of problem usually occurs if you order an upgrade using an
email address or registration name that are different from the ones
used for the original purchase.
Please create a ticket in
You can go to "Advanced Settings >> Folders >> General" and select the
new location for the Business folder. Please keep in mind that this
only creates the folder. You will need to move all the contents of the
previous Business folder to the new location ...
Please check your system's date format in the bottom-right corner of
your screen.
If the date includes "written out" names of days and/or months (e.g.
Monday, January 1, 2017), please change your system locale settings,
so that the date contains numbers...
Please perform a clean (re-)install of Projetex:
1) Make a backup of your database, if you have any impotant data you
want to preserve.
2) Uninstall Projetex, if you have it installed.
3) Go into "Control Panel >> Programs and Applications" and unin...
Yes. TO3000 3D uses a different database engine, (MS SQL rather than
Firebird), so they will not conflict in any way when installed on the
same machine, even after the Trial Period is over.
Perhaps you are still trying to use the license key for the previous
version of the AnyCount word count tool [] (e.g.
trying to enter the license key for AnyCount 8 into AnyCount 3D).
Upgrades to new versions of the program are avail...
Perhaps you are still trying to use the license key for the previous
version of the program (e.g. trying to enter the license key for
TO3000 11 into TO3000 3D).
Upgrades to new versions of the program are available here:
Perhaps you are still trying to use the license key for an older
version of the program (e.g. trying to enter the license key for
Projetex 10 into Projetex 3D).
Upgrades to new versions of the program are available here:
This means only that AnyCount will not be able to count unrecognised
text (text in images) in your language via OCR.
Word count in PDF [] of regular, recognized text
will be possible regardless of language.
Do not have software for...
First, please make sure that the totals are enabled by rigoing to
"User settings >> Appearance" and enabling "Calculate totals in
Then, click the asterisk symbol in the uppper-left corner of the table
and check "Invoice Total (EUR)" The parenth...
The Projetex installer will never delete an existing database. This
allows for the application of updates without the risk of losing data.
To replace the demo database with an empty database, please do the
1) On the server machine, navigate...
There are several places where your templates might be found:
1) On the Workstation side, please navigate to "User Settings > Local
File Store" and make sure that the indicated location of the Business
folder is identical to it's location in the previou...
Translation Office 3000 is designed to be used by a single freelancer,
and does not support such functions.
However, we also offer Projetex - a Translation Agency management
program, that does include a freelancer database.
You can download a free 30-...
Currently all our software is standalone-only and does not support
web-terminal or Cloud functionality.
However, some of our software (such as Projetex or AnyLexic Server)
supports a Client-Server structure that allows for data to be stored
at a central...
This is a system-level error. Please find the indicated DLL on the
internet (they can be found quite easily, just enter the name into
Google.), and download it.
Usually, you won't need to put it in the system folder. Just put it in
the program's installat...
Not necessarily. Most likely the job was added to an invoice which
belongs to another user, which is why you can not see it.
You will be able to find the invoice easily if you log into Projetex
as the Administrator (login: Admin, default password: admin...
You can call up the help file by pressing F1 while the program's
window is active.
You can also open the Backstage View (the button near the top-left
corner of the window, displaying the program's icon by default) and
click the "Help" button.
Open the template file for editing (Templates can be edited in
"Business/Corporate Settings >> Templates" and enclose the name of
each variable that displays the time with the date() function.
Like this: VAR_NAME => date(VAR_NAME)
Save the template.
For Projetex 5D, see
For older versions:
On the...
The "Demo Database" option is best if you want to get a feel for how
the program works. Recommended for use during the trial period.
The "Empty Database" option is best if you are starting from scratch.
If you aleady have the Demo database installed, yo...
You can not purchase an upgrade from the Free edition license. You
will need to purchase a full new license.
New licences for TO3000 can be purchased here:
The current version of the AnyCount word count tool
[] does not support such a function.
Do not have character count software []
Try Character Count Software Free [
Currently, the AnyCount word count tool [] does
not support such a function.
However, Anycount can be set to ignore Hidden text (text marked as
hidden is visible in Word but not on a printed document) in "Settings
>> DOC, DOCX, RTF",...
If you want to become a Reseller for Advanced International
Translations, please submit a corresponding ticket at
You will be contacted by our support staff with further details on ...
Please go to "Corporate Settings >> Templates" and make sure that all
templates are located in their proper folders. If the templates you
need have the "Team - Missing" status, select them and click the
"Download" button (downward green arrow).
The corr...
Please go to "Business Settings >> Templates" and make sure that all
templates are located in the proper folders.
The correct folder strucure for TO3000 is as follows:
You can change the output format in the "file type" drop-down list
when the "Save As" dialog appears.
AnyCount and TO3000 come in a number of "Editions". Only the highest
editions ("Advanced" for TO3000 and "Enterprise" for AnyCount) have
maximum functionality, and the help files describe the functionality
of the highest editions.
You can upgrade your e...
No. "License key" and "serial number" are two terms for the same
number, and can be used interchangably.
To switch a workstation from one license to another, please do the
1. When logging into a workstation, press the Server button and select
or enter the required address.
2. Enter the required login and password for an account on that
The names of "Base Currency" variables have changed in version 3D of
the program.
Please edit the template file and change any variable name like
Templates can be edited in "Business/Corporate Settings >> Templates"
You can double-click any block in the calendar to open the Edit window
for the corresponding project or Job.
Please check the settings for each format in the Option meanu of the
AnyCount word count tool [] and make sure that all
the necessary elements are checked for counting.
Do not have word count software [] inst...
After logging in, please switch to the Profile Tab.
You can change your login in the "E-mail address" field (this will
also change the address to which we will occasionally send our
You can change the password by entering it into the two...
In TO3000 and Projetex, individual jobs are tied to projects, rather
than to clients, and are created in the Project's window, rather than
in the client's window.
If you are in the Client window, right click the required project and
select "Open Project...
The trial version of Anycount has all the functionality of the
Advanced edition.
The only limitation of the AnyCount word count tool
[] Trial version is that it can only perform a
maximum of 10 count operations per day, each with a m...
The trial version of TO3000 3D has all the functionality of the
Advanced edition.
The only limitation of the Trial version is that the number of Clients
and Projects in the Trial version is limited to 50 each.
First of all, please try rebooting both the affected workstation and
the server machine.
If the problem persists, please try configuring the firewall on your
server to always have port 212 open.
1. Navigate to Control Panel >> System and Security >> W...
To check the current connections, please open the Database tab of the
System Administrator and click "List".
To check any past connections, please do the following.
1. Go to "System Administrator >> Corporate Settings >> Queries" and
click "New".
Projetex and TO3000 are not directly intergrated with any third-party
software, but they do include two utilities which can make use of data
from outside the system.
1. The built-in CatCount utility can import analysis logs from CAT
software like Trados...
Currently, new discounts/markups and taxes can only be entered into
the database as percentages, but there is a workaround.
You can use the Adjustment interface to add discounts, markups or
taxes as exact values to your invoices. Just enter the volume o...
The best course of action would be to create a new record for that
client, with the new currency. Any ongoing jobs for that client can be
cancelled and re-entered on the new record with their totals
recalculated accordingly.
The best way to do this is a...
This means that you need to update the FTP server list. To do so,
please do the following:
1. Go to "Settings >> Built-in FTP client" and make sure that the box
"Auto-connect to selected FTP server" is disabled.
2. In "Manage Glossaries >> Download Gl...
We are aware of this situation. Most detections happen with Avira Free
Antivirus (it states there is TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen signature within the
executable), but other anti-virus or anti-malware applications may
also trigger the alert.
Some anti-viruses fal...
To change your Projetex registration name, please do the following:
1. Contact our support at
[], and give both your current
registration name and your desired new name. It is recommen...
Every automatic e-mail from AIT has a "Manage your Subscriptions" link
at the botton. Please follow it to the page where you can disable your
If you are a licensed user and suddenly start receiving trial version
reminder e-mails, that's m...
Nothing is wrong. You are simply trying to upgrade to Projetex 3D
without owning a Projetex 3D license. Upgrading between major versions
requires additional payment.
You can order your upgrade here:
Nothing is wrong. You are simply trying to upgrade to TO3000 3D
without owning a TO3000 3D license. Upgrading between major versions
requires additional payment.
You can order your upgrade here:
Nothing is wrong. You are simply trying to upgrade to AnyCount 2021
without owning an AnyCount 2021 license. Upgrading between major
versions requires additional payment.
You can order your AnyCount word count tool []
upgrade here:
[] features a standard Password
Recovery function. Please enter your login (your registration e-mail)
and click "Forgot your password?"
The trial version of Projetex 3D comes with 1 workstation (which also
means that it can have up to 3 active user accounts at any given time)
and has the following limitations:
* Number of clients can not exceed 40;
* Number of projects can not excee...
No. Jobs and other database records are rigidly bound to specific
clients or projects upon creation. The only way to "move" a job,
invoice or project to a different client is to delete the original and
re-create it on the other client.
No. Our licenses do not bind workstation installations to specific
machines and do not limit the number of machines that can have
workstations installed and registered on them.
We only limit the number of workstations running at any given time.
Yes. If all available licenses of the AnyCount word count tool
[] are used on different machines, you need to
uninstall the program on one to register it on another.
Do not have word count software [] install...
No, it is not possible to have two "threads" of global codes in this
No. The AnyCount word count tool [] can add and
process archived files automatically. Just add the archive itself to
the program and all eligible files inside it will be added to the
counting queue.
Note: Anycount can not open passwo...
In the System Admininstrator utility, please go to "Corporate Settings
>> Queries >> New" and use the following query:
This will show the timestamps of all record deletion actions
(AUD_DATETIME), and the u...
Please go into "User settings >> Appearance" and check the "Save
Workspace state on Logout" option.
This will save the open windows on logout and reopen them on next
Checking "Remember last open tab in Clients, Projects" will also save
the curr...
The settings in "Business Settings >> Folders" are not retroactive,
meaning that they only apply to newly-created folders.
This includes the folders of newly-created database entries (clients,
Projects, etc.), and also folders that were deleted, while t...
The settings in "System Administrator >> Corporate settings >>
Folders" are not retroactive, meaning they only apply to newly created
This includes folders of newly-created database entries (Clients,
Projects, Experts, etc.) and folders that we...
Please do the following:
1) Uninstall TO3000.
2) Manually delete the folders:
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition
3) Re-install TO3000, running the installer in Administrator mode.
Please try a different browser. All AIT software is guaranteed to be
malware-free, provided that you have downloaded your copy from
official AIT web-sites.
Some antiviruses or browsers can mistakenly flag some of our software
as "suspicious" due to the ...
Please click the area of the window just beyond the vertical scroll
TO3000 3D and Projetex 3D include a built-in Mail Sender module, that
will allow you to send e-mails to your clients or experts directly
from within the program.
Connect it to your e-mail account in "User Settings >> Email" and you
are good to go.
Yes. Projetex 3D includes seperate tables for prospective clients
(called Prospects) and prospective freelancers (called Applicants)
There, you can record their contact information, track your marketing
efforts and create quotes.
Once you reach an agree...
Yes. TO3000 3D includes a seperate table for prospective clients
(called Prospects). There, you can record their contact information,
track your marketing efforts and create quotes.
Once you reach an agreement, you can transfer the Prospect to the
This is likely due to a registry error, maybe from a failed update.
Please download the latest installer from your profile at
[], then uninstall and re-install
the program.
You dat...
Creating custom widgets is not supported at this time.
No. The server and workstation components of Projetex, as well as the
database itself, are versioned independently, so it is normal for them
to have different numbers.
The best way to make sure that you are using compatible versions is to
install or upd...
We send out license keys to clients via E-mail. Please check your Spam
Also, it is possible that the emails were sent to an e-mail inbox
other than your main one (your Paypal e-mail, work e-mail, an older
e-mail that you no longer actively use, ...
Yes, but you will be limited to trasferring only Client records this
To do this, please export data from the "Clients" table either with
the "Local export" function or via "Custom queries" into a format that
can be used by the other program's Impor...
No. There is no direct connection between quotes and invoices so the
discounts/markups and taxes do not propagate automatically.
So far, the only way to be sure that you didn't miss a discount or tax
is to double-check.
Projects created from quotes record...
Yes. The document templates are just regular RTF files with special
variables. You can freely edit the formatting and graphical elements
You can always enter your Name and E-mail at the "Download trial"
dialog again. This will create a new download link for you.
Please keep in mind that this will also reset your follow-up e-mail
subscription. You can always unsubscribe from follow-up mai...
Please write a ticket requesting an invoice at
[], indicate your purchase (program,
version, edtion, number of machines, etc.) and registration e-mail,
and our support staff will create ...
Due to the sometimes unreliable connection to network drives, it is
not recommended (and unneeded) to place the BusinessServer folder on a
network drive.
Individual users can copy files from the "BusinessServer" folder into
their own "Business" folders in...
If you are using an older version of the program, it is possible that
the upgrade has rendrered your system not fully compatible with the
AnyCount word count tool [].
Please consider upgrading to version 2021.
You can order the upg...
If you are using an older version of the program, it is possible that
the upgrade has rendrered your system not fully compatible with
Please consider upgrading to version 3D.
You can order the upgrade on the following site:
If you are using an older version of the program, it is possible that
the update has rendrered your system not fully compatible with TO3000.
Please consider upgrading to version 3D.
You can order the upgrade on the following site:
Currently, we do not provide software for smartphone users.
Currently, the only way to "merge" two such databases is to choose the
larger one, and manually copy the data from the other.
Merging databases automatically is currently unfeasable, due to the
number of possible duplications and ambiguities.
There is no way to incorporate such outside documents in to the
database directly, but you can add their ID codes to your invoices in
the Client PO field of the "new/edit Client Job" window.
These codes can then be displayed in the Jobs table, and added...
Yes. The database and the main file repository are on the server
machine. Workstations will not work unless they are connected to an
active server.
Please try launching the System Administrator utility, then stopping
and starting the server.
If the problem persists, try rebooting the server machine.
If the server machine is active 24/7, it is recommended to use the
built-in "Autorestart" service ...
Our programs display update reminders automatically once a month,
showing the newest available update (if any) for the program, along
with a message saying whether the update is free or requires
additional payment. Free updates can be downloaded and insta...
AIT offers custom report creation for an additional fee. Please order
your custom reports here,
AIT offers custom report creation for an additional fee. Please order
your custom reports here
[] then contact us and
give us your exact specifications for the ne...
Any data entered into the database proper is stored on the server
only, since that is where the database files are.
RTF documents and other work files can be stored either locally or on
the server, in different versions that can be synchronised with one...
Only users with Advanced access can see records assigned to other
Users with Normal or Expert access can only see records assigned to
A user's access level can be set from an Administrator's account in
the Projetex Workstations (Administr...
That update seems to have broken the compatibility of the older
versions of Projetex with Windows 10.
Please consider upgrading to Projetex 3D.
You can order the upgrade here:
No. ExactSpent is not bundled with TO3000 and must be purchased
separately to make use of the integration feature.
This is most likely due to an incorrect system locale. Please click
Start > Control Panel > Region and Language Settings > Administrative
tab > 'Change system locale', choose the required language from the
drop-down list, click the OK button and then rest...
No. If TO3000 is not active when you pause, stop or complete a job in
ExactSpent, the data about the job will be saved in a small file and
uploaded to TO3000 during its next launch.
Please note that this only applies to jobs that were originally
On its own, no. However, TO3000 3D does have such functionality, and
the latest build can be integrated with the latest build of ExactSpent
to receive data about the time spent on a job and incorporate it into
Yes, ExactSpent includes such an option. It is available in the
"General" section of the Settings menu.
Most operations in the "Database settings" section require the TO3000
database to be disconnected from the program for their duration.
It is disconnected after you click the button for the specific
operation and re-connected when the dialog window is cl...
The [CLONED RECORD] message exists to ensure that no one could mistake
the copied record for the original (such mistakes could lead to a lot
of confusion as data about one job is accidentally placed into the
record of the other), and currently can not be ...
No. A standalone AnyCount is a fully separate program and can not
interact with TO3000 and Projetex in such a way. However, TO3000 and
Projetex include a built-in AnyCount module, that provides all of the
primary functionality of the standalone program, s...
The depth limit determines how many "layers" of hyperlinks the
Anycount word count tool [] will follow, when
scanning the chosen web-site for files to be counted.
Please keep in mind that Anycount is not guaranteed to get all the
Putting the databse into offline mode prevents remote workstations
from connecting to it, but still allows the administrators to alter
the settings and perform maintenance.
Shutting down the server disables access for all users, including
Projetex and TO3000 are "sister programs" and share a lot of source
code. what you see is one of those shared elements. This is normal,
and does not interfere with the program's functioning in any way.
If your user account has the required permission, you can access
"Corporate Settings" in the Backstage area.
This section of the Backstage contains the settings for all the common
drop-down lists you will find in the Workspace.
Please access "Business Settings" in the Backstage area.
This section of the Backstage contains the settings for all the common
drop-down lists you will find in the Workspace.
All our software is available for purchase via PayPal or ShareIt on
the site of the program in question.
The main sites for our best-selling programs are:
All our software is available for purchase via PayPal or ShareIt on
the site of the program in question.
The main site for Projetex is
If, for some reason, y...
All our software is available for purchase via ShareIt on the site of
the program in question.
The main site for the Anycount word count tool []
If, for some ...
All our software is available for purchase via PayPal or ShareIt on
the site of the program in question.
The main site for TO3000 is
If, for some reason, you can not use these payment met...
All our software is available for purchase via PayPal or ShareIt on
the site of the program in question.
The main site for ExactSpent is
If, for some reason, you can not use these payment methods...
Sometimes, the two main services that run the Projetex server may
require restarting.
In the System Administrator, please go into "Database >> Autorestart
Enable all options and set the restart time to when users are least
expected to active...
No, Jobs can not have negative amounts, volumes or prices. If you need
to "remove" a job from the balance, please invoice it and create a
credit note for the invoice.
It is possible that the document has too many shapes and other
non-text elements in it.
Please try saving the document in the DOC format before adding it to
the Anycount word count tool [].
Open it in MS Word, go to "File >> Save A...
No. dtLink - type variables are only used in RTF templates to create
They need to be acompanied by special "Data scan" commands that do not
work in E-mail templates.
Please visit
[] and send a ticket with your
coupon code, the name of the product, and a description of your
situation to AIT support.
We will create your new license manually.
Please download the installer for Projetex from your account at
[] and apply it to the server and
all workstations.
Please be careful when updating the workstations and use the
The Anycount word count tool [] Corporate Licenses
use Per-Seat Licesing.
If you plan on purchasing AnyCount for a large company with many
employees, the best option is to purchase a Site or Global license,
giving you the right to in...
No. The server component of Projetex can not be split like this. The
database and the supporting software must be on the same machine.
No. ExactSpent 3D can only be integrated with TO3000 3D.
Please launch the Anycount word count tool [] in
Admnistrator mode (right-click >> Properties >> Compatibility >>
enable "Run this program as administrator").
Then, please check your MS Office settings.
Please start MS Word, open "...
No. Document templates can only be stored as RTF, but the generated
documents themselves can also be saved as DOC, DOCX, and PDF in the
"Save AS" dialog.
Yes. Although Projetex was made primarily as a Project Management
system, it has many features that can also be used for CRM (e.g.
client list management, mail notifications, e-mail automation, project
workflow tracking, schedules and calendars etc).
This function is found in the main Quotes table.
Just select the required quote, and click the "Create Project Based on
Quote" in the "hamburger icon" drop-down menu.
No. Instances of Projetex, whether on the server or workstation side,
are not tied to specific machines. All that matters in the number of
instances active at the same time.
No. TO3000 is not tied to a specific machine. You can simply back up
the database, install the program on another machine and restore the
database from the backup.
Yes. Since TO3000 5D, each instance is linked to a specific computer
and a specific user account on that computer.
So if you want to use the application on, say, three computers, you
would need to get three codes for your new application.
However, to ...
Since TO3000 itself does not feature password-protected access to the
program, there are currently 2 ways to do this:
1. Upgrade from TO3000 to Projetex, which features password-protected
user accounts.
You can purchase the upgrade here:
Income and Expence reports are only available in TO3000 3D Advanced
You can go to "User Settings > Appearance" and select the "No skin"
option, so the program uses the default skin.
Also, if you have a habit of closing the program with a lot of open
sub-windows in it, you might want to disable the "Save Workspace state
To change the Settlement date of an invoice, you need to edit the
"Date Received" parameter of the linked payment.
If there are multiple payments, please change the date of the latest
The easiest way to do that is to create a "placeholder job" (a job
that does not actually represent any task), set it to "Flat fee"
pricing, add it to the invoice, and change its total accordingly. Such
changes will be affected by discounts/markups and ta...
In TO3000 and Projetex, many variables store a complete date and time.
The output of these variables can be customised with special
The syntax is as follows: function(VARIABLE), e.g. date(ASSIGNED)
The functions and their effect on the outp...
JA_DATE The date when the JA was issued, in the following format:
The date when the JA was issued, in the long format:
Refund code.
Date refund was received, in the following format: 10/4/2006
Date refund was received, in the following format: Monday...
Credit note status
Example: Awaiting payment, Fully paid
Date credit note was sent, in the following format:
You can simply block your next payment. If you are unable to do so on
your own, please contact our Customer Support and we will help you.
AceProof can process the following formats:
AceProof can process text in any language, regardless of the interface
language it is set to. The errors it checks for are not
AceProof can process bilingual files in the following formats:
Currently, AceProof can not process source and target files
A Personal license can only be used by a single user.
A Business license can be freely installed on any number of machines
in a single company office.
An Enterprise license can be freely installed on any number of
machines in a single company office A...
No, that function is only available to Business and Enterprise
licenses. Personal licenses are restricted to the default logo.
Other than the 30-day trial limit, the main limitation is that you are
allowed to use the Proof function no more than 25 times per day.
No, the presets can not be altered. Whenever you change the rules, the
"Custom" preset is highighted automatically.
Yes. All versions of a program that you purchased are yours to use in
any combination you wish. However, please keep in mind that different
versions of the same program (eg. TO3000 11 and TO3000 3D) can not use
each other's databases or backups without pu...
A Version is a major upgrade/rewrite of a program, with many new
features. Upgrading from an older version to a new one requires an
additional payment.
A build is a minor update within a given version of the program. If
you have the latest version, you ...
No. Our Database Converter programs can only convert databases "one
way", from an older version of a program to a newer one.
This option increases the size of most buttons, tabs and drop-down
menus in the program, to make them easier to use on a touch-screen
device (e.g. a tablet).
No, the Anycount word count tool [] does not
provide such functionality. However, different formats provide
different settings as to which kinds of text can be counted or ignored
(comments, headers/footers, alt-text, etc.)
Please cli...
Yes, please go to "Advanced Settings >> General" and disable the
option "Enable ExactSpent feedback"
This way, you will be able to send data about clients and jobs to
ExactSpent into TO3000, but without receiving data from ExactSpent in
return, which is...
Microsoft's ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is a general interface
for access to SQL-compatible databases. SQL is used as a standard
mechanism for data access.
The interface ensures a high degree of interaction: one application
can refer to different ...
Please make sure that the server address is indicated as "P3D, 212".
On the server side, please make sure that the ODBC password is
strictly alphanumeric (consisting of letters andor numbers only).
The only way to restore a deleted invoice without changing its number
is to restore a previous backup of the database (unless the invoice in
question is the most recent one, then it can just be re-entered).
Please keep in mind that restoring a backup wi...
Currently, each client can only have one postal address.
The simplest way to reduce the number of entries pulled by the
Workstation at any given time is to enable the Global Date Filter to
only display data from the current year/quarter/month.
No. The RTF templates for Prospects and Clients are stored in separate
No. The RTF templates for Freelancers and Applicants are stored in
separate folders.
Not exactly. AnyLexic Server is a networking add-on to the standalone
AnyLexic, and it uses a Server-Client system.
The Server component is installed on a single machine. Then the
standalone AnyLexic terminals can be connected to the server from
other m...
Projetex uses Concurrent licencing.
The Standalone AnyLexic terminals use Per-seat licensing, while the
AnyLexic Server add-on uses Concurrent licencing.
No. Discounts and markups can only be applied to invoices as a whole.
The best way to emulate a discount or markup that is applied to only
one job in an invoice, is to add a corresponding Adjustment to the
Every tab displaying the detected errors features a button that allows
you to copy the contents of the currently selected cell to the
After copying the content of a cell in this way, you can open the
analyzed file and use the search function ...
When the main window is closed, ExactSpent is still active in the
To fully shut down the program, please right-click its icon in the
System Tray and select Exit, or select "Shortcuts > Exit" in the main
ExactSpent uses Per-seat Licencing.
The layout of AceProof reports can not be currently customised, but
the Business and Enterprise licenses allow the user to change the logo
in the top-left corner of the reports.
Please zip up the the Anycount word count tool []
folder "C:UsersPublicDocumentsAITAnyCount 3D" on the old machine and
unzip it into the same place on the new machine.
To set the period for Static reports with adjustable periods
(indicated by "Date period" written in the upper left corner of the
report), use the Global Date Filter in the upper right corner of the
main window.
The report will only display the data with...
No, the Global date filter does not reset by itself. It must be
altered manually.
The changes are saved when you close the window the changes were made
in. Any new windows of the same table will be opened with the saved
local filters and table layouts.
This can be done by Voiding the invoice rather than deleting it. Just
select the invoice in the "Client > Invoices" tab and click "Void"
A voided invoice remains in the database as an uneditable plaintext
entry (for reference purposes) and all jobs are ...
No, Voiding is irreversible. A voided invoice is only kept in the
database as an uneditable record, for reference purposes.
No. Enabling this option is irreversible.
Please remove the order from the cart and add it again. This will
restore the discount code.
Problem: When saving an invoice (or another document) as a file, the
dropdown list in Save As dialogue only shows .rtf and .pdf options.
Neither .doc mor .docx are displayed.
Translation Office 3000 and Projetex use some parts of the MS Wo...
The document templates for TO3000 3D are stored in
C:UsersPublicDocumentsAITTO3000, Version 3DTemplates
A template for a specific kind of document must be placed in the
correct subfolder for the program to see and use it correctly.
The best way to nav...
Aceproof detects the following errors and irregularities:
1. Inconsistencies: Places where identical sources were translated
differently, or differing sources were translated identically.
2. Space-related errors: Consecutive spaces, inconsistent leadi...
AceProof does not include spellchecking functionality. I searches only
for non-language-specific errors: inconsistencies in translations,
untranslated segments, whitespace and punctuation-related errors, etc.
In TO3000 3D, we have added numerous new features and have changed the
program significantly.
Here are the main highlights:
* New database engine
* Multiple-Document Interface: users will now be able to work with
multiple windows simultaneously, a...
Please contact Support at
[] and provide your e-mail address,
the name of the desired software, and the voucher code.
We will verify the voucher and create the license manually.
No, all data is stored locally by default. The only way to store the
database files in the cloud is to explicitly move the database files
into the folder of some cloud service (DropBox, OneDrive, etc.) via
the "Transfer Database Files" function.
Please do the following:
1. Uninstall Translation Office 3000 from your computer, then locate
the folder
"C:UsersPublicDocumentsAITTO3000, Version 3Ddb" (if it exists) and
move it to a different location.
2. Delete the folders
Status colors can be adjusted in "User Settings >> Colors: Status".
The Projetex Database consists of two files: Projetex3D.mdf and
One will not work without the other. During backup, both files are
combined into a single .bak file, and split again during the restore
The TO3000 3D Database consists of two files: TO30003D.mdf and
One will not work without the other. During backup, both files are
combined into a single .bak file, and split again during the restore
Please contact support at
[] with this problem. Most likely,
there is a mismatch in the registration names of the original purchase
and the upgrade.
We will fix the mismatch and inform...
These settings have been moved to a special Admininstrator tab in the
Please log into a Workstation with an Admin account and go to
"Admininstrator" in the settings.
The main difference between those varieties of the sales chart is
where they take their data from. For example, if there is a job that
is not invoiced, or an invoice that is not covered by a payment, it
will be reflected in some of the sales charts, but n...
No, the message means that the upgrade requires additional payment.
This message appears if you use the "Check for updates" function from
an older major version of our programs.
Please visit the program's website to order the upgrade or download a
free ...
To add a custom Job variable to an Invoice template, you can add the
expression DTLINKJOBS: to the variable name, like this: VAR_NAME =>
Please note that this only works within the Table Scan portion of the
template (i.e. between the...
Yes, the standalone version of CatCount is freeware.
You can download Catcount here:
If you accidentally sent an incorrectly composed invoice to your
client and want to inform them of its cancellation, you can do the
1) edit the standard invoice template into a "cancellation" template,
2) send the generated document to the ...
Most of our programs display a splash screen with the current build
number during startup. You can view it again by using the "Help >>
About" option in the program's menu.
You can always go to
and fill in the form again. Then you will receive a new link.
Natively, no. The ODBC module always has only one actual user (login -
ODBC) that anyone who knows the password can use.
Please try doing the following:
1. Rename your main Database folder (add a 0 the end of the name, for
2. Run the installer again and create a Demo databse.
3. Use the "Set Database Folder" function to point the program to your
actual database ...
TO3000 and Projetex are bundled with a special Import utility, that
accepts exported databases in several formats.
The TO3000 Import Utility can only import Client data, while the
Projetex utility can import Freelancer data as well as Client data.
No. The location of the database is deternimed in "Database Settings
>> Transfer database files", while the location of the Business folder
is set in "Advanced Settings >> Folders >> General"
No. Our installers never touch the existing database and the contents
of the Business folder.
Yes. To do this, please select the "Full Installation" option on the
Projetex Installer's "select components" screen.
This is the recommended setup when using the trial version of
No. Those folders are hardcoded and will appear automatically whenever
at least 1 document of the associated type is created.
The order of the updates does not matter as long as both the server
and the workstation are updated.
Not immediately. The database file first needs to pass though a
special "database converter" utility, which will transfer the data
into a format Projetex 3D can read.
The default location of the converter is C:Program Files
(x86)AITProjetex 3DProjetex S...
Not immediately. The database file first needs to pass though a
special "database converter" utility, which will transfer the data
into a format TO3000 3D can read.
The default location of the converter is C:Program Files
(x86)AITTranslation Office 3000...
Yes. Multiple instances of the Workstation can be launched and a
different user can log in on each one.
Please use the installer once more AFTER restoring the database.
That will automatically update the database to the latest version.
In the Invoice template, after the Job table's endscan, please add the
variable VOLUME_BASE
Templates are edited in "Business/Corporate Settings >> Templates".
Please try closing either the "dummy" invoice or the "actual" invoices
with Phantom payments, rather than actual ones.
Go into the "Linked with payment" tab in the "Edit invoice" window and
use the "Phantom payment" option.
Phantom payments will not appe...
Our servers are located in the Netherlands.
The most likely reason for this is that your PDF reader does not
support the font used in the table.
Please edit the template in the following way:
Highlight everything between the scanentry and scanfooter tags and
change the font there to a more comm...
Yes. When attempting to delete a client or project, you need to
manually enter the client's/project's code into a special field to
confirm your intention.
The Consistency tab tracks situations where there are source segments
in the analyzed files that are identical, but their translations
differ in some way, or vice-versa, when identical translations are
given to differing source segments.
This is especia...
The full wordcount is stored in the "CatCount notes" tab, as part of
the plain-text summary of the operation.
No, but the second worksation will be warned that such a user has
already logged in.
If the license has only 1 workststion, the second workststion will not
be allowed to connect at all.
No, the current version of the program does not have such
These tabs are visible only after you use the Anycount word count tool
[] or CatCount modules to determine the volume of
a job.
The best places for that are the "Instructions" and "Work notes" tabs
of the Edit Job window.
Please check the path in the Auto-backup settings. Chanses are, the
folder the program is supposed to backup to was moved, renamed, or
deleted. Please re-adjust the settings of the auto-backup service, so
that it points to an existing folder.
Then, plea...
Please do the following: In Word, go to "File >> Options >> General"
and disable the "open e-mails and other uneditable items in reading
mode" option.
Then, launch the Anycount word count tool [] in
Admin mode (right-click >> Run as ad...
Please log in to that user's workststion as the System Admininstrator
(Login: Admin, default password: admin) and download the templates
with the "Corporate settings >> Templates" interface.
Once the user logs back in, the templates will be available to...
You might want to use a Dynamic DNS service to assign a DNS name to
your current IP address and update the IP address data whenever the IP
changes. Then you will be able to use the DNS name to access Projetex
Server from anywhere.
There is a number of fre...
The most likely reason for this is that the User Account Control level
is too high for ExactSpent to operate properly.
Please do the following:
1. Open the Control Panel
2. Enter "UAC" into the search bar in the upper-right corner of the
window and ...
Currently there is no such option in Projetex 3D.
There is currently no such option in TO3000 3D.
The easiest way to do this is to create a new template, either for
quotes or invoices, that will create order confirmations.
One option is to take an existing quote or invoice template and edit
it into an Order Confirmation template.
Templates can be ed...
No, the file system is separate from the database, and its contents
must be transferred between servers separately from the database
The current version of the program does not have such a function.
No, Projetex will not run into difficulties if the Server and
Workstations are installed on machines with different versions of
You only nned to be sure that the systems on both sides are compatible
with your version of Projetex.
The "Text" type denotes a mutli-line text field. Due to the large
amount of data that can be entered into such a field (up to 2GB),
custom fields fo this type are not displayed in the tables.
Please use the "String" type if you want to display text data...
This error appears only after the expiry of the 30-day trial mode, and
if the current system date is altered from its proper value.
Please make sure that the system date is correct.
The most likely reason is that the files you are trying to count are
simple image scans, with no recognised, selectable text.
Only AnyCount 3D Advanced has the OCR capability necessary to perform
word count in PDF [] files that conta...
AIT is based in Ukraine.
Projetex 3D and TO3000 3D were built in Embarcadero (Delphi).
Projetex 3D and TO3000 3D use the MS SQL engine.
Projetex includes Read-only access via ODBC, which allows third-party
applications to pull data from the Projetex database.
No. AIT software is not open source, but we do accept new function and
improvement requests from our clients.
An MS SQL database can always be accessed via dedicated programs, such
as SSMS or "SQL Manager Lite for MS SQL".
Projetex has been tested on 10000 projects. There is no limitation for
more projects.
Projetex access rights can be customised down to the tab and table
level in the "Administrator >> Users and Access" dialog, but not to
the field level.
The default deadline for a project is 18:00 of the creation date.
The default deadline for Client Jobs is the deadline of their parent
The default deadline for a project is 18:00 of the creation date.
The default deadline for Client Jobs is the deadline of their parent
The default deadline for Corporate and Freelance jobs is the dealine
of their parent Client Job
The Automation Engine is used to send autimatic e-mail notifications
on the status changes of various database entries to the relevant
people (Project managers, experts, clients)
For more information, please open the Help file (Press F1 in any
tableor N...
Currently, Projetex and TO3000 do not support such functionality. All
custom fields must be filled manually.
Yes, uncompleted client jobs can be included in invoices.
Please note that jobs with special statuses (on hold, heads-up,
cancelled) can't be included.
You can make a backup of your database and send it to us with a
description of the problem.
We guarantee that the content of the database will not be disclosed
and that the database will not be tampered with in any way beyond
fixing the issue at hand. is a global template in MS Office Word. It might be
corrupted by some add-on programs or macro viruses. Please perform a
full virus scan first. You can also temporarily rename the global
template to determine if it is the cause of the problem. ...
No, it does not. AceProof checks for non-language-specific errors
(consistency, punctuation, whitespaces, untranslated fragments), and
can work with any language.
Please visit
[] and enter the code and your
e-mail, along with other required information.
If the e-mail is alrady registered, please contact Support at
To remove a chosen Client PM from a Project's Profile, please do the
1) Go into the Mian client list and select the client that the project
belongs to.
2) Switch to the "Projects" tab and double-click on the project in
3) In the...
The connection type to use depends on the settings of your e-mail
You can either inquire with the provider or test the connection types
and see which connects.
AceProof is strictly a Quality Assurance tool. If you wish to edit a
translation, please do the following:
1) Click on the translation you want to edit and click the "Copy
selected cell to clipboard" button near the upper-left corner of the
2) Ope...
Normally, bonus licenses are given out after the end of the sale, but
if you wish to get them early, please submit a ticket requesting it to
Currently, the AnyCount world count tool [] is a
standalone program with no cloud capability.
Do not have word count software [] installed?
Try Word Count Software Free [] Or...
No, instances of ExactSpent and TO3000 do not have to be on the same
account to connect.
In the default workflow model, jobs are linked to Projects, not to
The "New" button for jobs is found in the "Client jobs" tab of the
general "Projects" list.
Please do the following:
1) Click the Projects tab at the top of the screen and the "...
Projetex 3D is bundled with two database converter utilities.
Please do the following:
1) Use the "old" database converter bundled with Projetex 3D (default
location C:Program Files (x86)AITProjetex 3DProjetex
ServerDBConverter10) to create a Projetex...
TO3000 3D is bundled with two database converters for such situations.
Please do the following:
1) Use the "old" database converter bundled with TO3000 3D (default
location C:Program Files (x86)AITTranslation Office 3000 Version
3DAdminDBConverter10) ...
Translation Office 3000 has 4 editions: Starter, Standard,
Professional and Advanced. The differences between them are as
The AnyCount world count tool [] version 4D has 3
editions: Standard, Professional and Advanced. The differences between
them aca nbe viewed here:
[] ...
A good solution in this situation would be to take the folders of old,
completed projects and move them into a new folder (e.g.
.../PROJECTS/Archive) You can further subdivide the Archive folder
into subfolders by year, if you wish.
That way, the old proj...
Yes, purchasing upgrades to existing licenses is significantly cheaper
than purchasing full new licenses, and you will notlose access to the
old version of your software either.
This means that the E-mail service you are using saves its own Sent
mail automatically, and there is no need for our program to do that.
Please select "Do not save mail" in the "IMAP sent folder" drop-down
Yes, the existing reports can be edited in the Server Administrator
utility (Corporate settigns >> Reports), but it is recommended to use
the "Load" function to load in and rename a copy of one of the
existing report templates, and then modify the copy ra...
If TO3000 does not detect your database files, despite them being of
the correct version, please do the following:
1) rename the folder "C:UsersPublicDocumentsAITTO3000, Version 3Ddb"
into "db0"
2) run the TO3000 3d installer again, and select the "Demo...
Please do the following:
1) In the settings, go to "Business settings >> Volume units".
2) Either edit an existing unit or create a new one. In the lower half
of the Edit window, select the "Words" button and enter how many words
the unit will be equal ...
This means that there was an error during transfer.
Please please copy the entire contents of the Converter's status field
and send them to Support at
No. Variables requiring the "DTLINK" scan operation can only be used
in document templates.
Yes. Projetex includes an Autobackup service.
To access it, please do the following:
1) Launch the Server Admininstrator utility.
2) Switch to the "Database" tab and and click "Autobackup Service".
You will be able to set up autobatic backups eith...
Please make sure that the "Approved" checkbox is enabled in the "Edit
invoice" window.
Only approved invoices can be linked to payments.
Let's take an exmple of a 30% advance payment.
Such payments can be processed in the following way:
1. Create a single project and immediately invoice it, but add notes
about the payment being split into 30% advance and 70% final.
2. Once the advanc...
No. Any particular Projetex user account can only be used by one
person at any given time.
The latest versions of TO3000 3D and Projetex 3D both support the
FatturaPA system.
Please download the attached PDF file for more details.
Custom queries are simply SQL queries that can be used to extract data
from the database without using the default interface. Queries can be
used and edited only from the "Projetex Server Administrator" utility
(Corporate Settings >> Queries).
Reports a...
Currently, no AIT software has a native Mac OS version, but It can
still be used on Mac machines via VM software like VirtualBox
( []) or Parallels
( [])...
Yes. The tabs of individual formats in the AnyCount world count tool
[] show the individual counts results for each
document, while the Summary tab shows combined results for each
format, and the grand total.
Do not have word count s...
Yes, the program is GDPR-compliant.
Yes. Disabling the "Invoice in the middle of the range can be deleted"
option in "Advanced Settings >> General" will only allow the most
recent invoice to be deleted.
All other invoices will only have the "Void" option available.
Yes. Disabling the "Invoice in the middle of the range can be deleted"
option in "Administrator >> General" option of the Workststion will
only allow the most recent invoice to be deleted.
All other invoices will only have the "Void" option available.
Yes. You can call it up by pressing F1 or clicking "Account >> Help".
Tha best way to do that is to restore a previous backup of the
database. Please make backups regularly.
Keep in mind that restoring a database will also revert any other
changes made since its creation.
Yes, ExactSpent autostarts by default. To disable that, please go into
"Shortcuts >> Settings >> General" and disable "Start with windows".
Please have the recipients check their Spam folders. The alerts may
have been flagged as spam by their e-mail client.
To exclude specific segments of text in Word files from counting in
the AnyCount world count tool [], you can do the
1) Hide the text you do not want to count: Open each document,
highlight the text you do not want to coun...
Currenty, only Projetex 10 and Projetex 3D are compatible with Windows
You are likely to run into various issues if you try to run any older
version of the program on Windows 10.
If you do, please consider upgrading to Projetex 3D.
You can downl...
Currently, TO3000 10, TO3000 11 and TO3000 3D are compatible with
Windows 10.
You are likely to run into various issues if you try to run any older
version of the program on Windows 10.
If you do, please consider upgrading to TO3000 3D.
You can down...
No, only the latest versions of our software receive regular updates.
If you have an old version of one of our programs, you can get the
final build of that version by downloading and using the installer
from your account at https://clients.translation3...
First of all, please try running the AnyCount world count tool
[] in Administrator mode (right-click >>
Properties >> Compatibility >> enable "Run as admininstrator")
If the problem persists, please try repairing MS Office as shown he...
Yes, you can register the new server before disabling the first one.
Please download the installer from your account at
[] to make sure you have the
latest build of your Projetex.
I ...
The project folder field will become active after you click OK and
actually create the new project. Before that, the project, and thus
the folder, does not actually exist yet.
After creating the project, just select it from the list, and the
folder fiel...
No, only the recent builds of the 3D version support FatturaPA.
Please download the attached PDF file for more details.
Please see the attached file for instructions on how to use the
FatturaPA invoicing functions.
Yes, you can edit invoices after creating them.
Perhaps you will need to edit the client jobs that are part of the
In that case, first edit the invoice and remove the "Approved"
checkmark, if one is present.
If the invoice itself is already linke...
Only users with the "Regular" or "Advanced" access level, as set in
"Administrator >> Users and acccess" settings, can be selected as
Project managers.
We distribute bonus software to all sale participants after the
conclusion of the sale.
Our websites only give prices in Euros.
To find out the equivalent price in any other currency, you can use an
online currency converter like this one:
Regular fuzzy matches only match against the active TM(s). Internal
fuzzy matches also take the segments already translated in the current
project, but not yet incorporated into a TM, into account.
Not all TM software uses internal fuzzy matches.
Deleting an invoice leaves a "hole" in the sequence of global codes,
something some users may want to avoid.
Voiding an invoice unlinks all jobs from it and turns in into an
uneditable, "archival" text entry, preserving the integrity of the
global code ...
Your Projetex window has opened beyond the screen.
Please contact Support at
[], explain the problem, give us
your exact Projetex login, and we will send you a special update
script th...
The Server Administrator and other utilities can be installed anywhere
in the file system, and the location of the "BusinessServer" folder
can be changed after installation, but the bundled SQL Server
instance, as well as the main database files, are inst...
No, you do not need to enter the ftp:// prefix. Just the main address
No, license codes to not need to be re-entered for builds within the
same version, as long as the program was not uninstalled before.
The 'Upgrade" function is only used when you purchase extra
workstations for your license (in Projetex), or to updgade ...
WordPad may have removed some crucial metadata that helps the program
process the template.
Please restore the version of the template from before the edit and
redo the edit in Microsoft Word.
No, TO3000 3D RTF templates are always stored in
C:UsersPublicDocumentsAITTO3000, Version 3DTemplates
New jobs are created from the "Projects" table, accessible from the
Ribbon in the "Projects" tab.
You can also right-click the newly-created project in the Client table
and select "Open Project".
There is no need to "De-register" anything, since Projetex uses
Concurrent licencing and only tracks the number of simultaneous
connections to the server, not the number of Workstation
Before creating invoices, you need to create Client jobs within the
project, or switch to "Without Projects" mode and create client jobs
Please call up the help file (Press F1 while in any table in TO3000 or
click "Help" in settings) and consul...
Please look in the upper-left corner of the window and click the
"Page-and-floppy-disk" symbol (or press Ctrl+E).
The Enterprise edition of the AnyCount 3D world count tool
[] has what can be described as a "semi-automatic"
invoicing system.
You enter the invoice's data into a dialog window (the results of the
last count are entered automaticall...
Folders for new clients, quotes, etc., only appear when they are
"called" by the program for the first time in any manner.
For example, after creating the new client, you could switch to the
"files" tab, or click the folder icon at the far right of the ...
Please check both the login and password, and make sure there are no
whitespaces before or after them, both during login, and in the
"Administrator >> Users and access" settings.
There is no way to hide a custom field without deleting it. Deleting a
custom field will not affect any other fields.
This is only true for earlier versions of TO3000 and Projetex (before
version 3D), where credit notes were implemented as "negative
Projetex 3D and TO3000 3D have a separate table for credit notes, and
credit notes no longer use invoice codes...
Please click the "Licences" link in the upper left corner of the site.
That will return you to the full list of your purchased AIT programs.
Please download the installer for that program from your account at
[] or
[] and us...
Please open Database Settings in the Backstage view (click the button
with the TO3000 logo in the Upper-left corner of the window to open
the database view).
The line "Database File" will display the current path to the MDF
file. The LDF file will alway...
Please free up some space on your hard drive.
We recommend trying CCleaner (
[]) to delete temporary files. The basic
version is free.
After that, please try performing the operation again.
The Advanced edition of the AnyCount world count tool
[] can recognise image text in the following
languages: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French,
German, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portugue...
Not automatically. The Prices in the general lists do not belong to
any individual client or expert. And the prices added to the
individual lists are not added to the corresponding general lists.
However, you can use the "Copy from General" function in ...
Not explicitly. The Prices in the general list do not belong to any
individual client. And the prices added to the individual lists are
not added to the general list.
However, you can use the "Copy from General" function in the
individual lists to quick...
Yes, that is possibe. Please contact Support at
[], name the program you wish to
purchase and explain your preferred payment plan.
The autobackup logs can be seen in the Server Administrator, at
"Database >> Autobackup service >> Advanced >> View current log".
Please click the "server" button in the affected workstations' login
dialogs and make sure the connection is correctly configured.
If the problem persists, please try rebooting the workstation's host
Please try temporarily disabling your Anti-virus and/or firewall
software and registering the program once more.
If the problem persists, please contact support at
Please contact support at
[] and explain your situation. State
what you intended to purchase and what was actually purchased.
Depending on the situation at hand, we will propose a solu...
When creating or editing custom fields you will see a box called
"Variable". That is where you can define the variable's "template
After that, please edit the template in "Corporate/Business Settings
>> Templates" and add the new variable to it.
When you hover over any column header, you will see a small
"filter/funnel" symbol. You can click this symbol in the required
header and select the required value. The table will then only display
Jobs with that particular value in the column. You can lat...
No, there is no need to uninstall the previous version. All versions
prior to 3D use the Firebird database engine (as opposed to MS SQL in
version 3D), so the two versions will not interfere with each other.
No, it will not. The previous version will remain on your machine as
well and you will still be free to use it.
Currently, only Projetex has such functionality, via the Automation
Engine utility.
You can download a free trial version of Projetex here:
Please try rebooting the computer where Projetex Server is running.
If this does not solve the issue, please try making a database backup.
If the backup procedure completes with no issues, please move your
current database files to a safe location (or re...
The Mass Payments function ignores the global filter, so it will
create payments for all unpaid invoices, regardless of filter
No. Phantom payments exist only as data within the invoice record and
are visible inly in the "linked with payments" tab of the invoice, not
in the Payments table.
Currently, the AnyCount world count tool [] does
not have such functionality.
Do not have software for word count in images
[] installed?
Try Software for Word Count in Images Free
No, payment templates can not display data from jobs.
They can only display data from linked invoices.
You can see the default variables for Payments by calling up the help
file (F1 or by pressing "help" in the settings) and navigating to
"Templates >> P...
No, but it does have a built-in FTP client that can connect to
third-party servers.
This is greatly discouraged. Installing the Projetex Server on a
Domain Controller can lead to problems with workstation connectivity.
Returning to a 0% discount/tax in the current build of the program
requires a workaround.
Please create a dummy 0% "discount" or "tax" in "Corporate Settings
(Business Settings in TO3000) >> Discounts/Markups" or "Taxes", then
replace any other discounts...
Currently, the AnyCount world count tool [] does
not have such functionality.
Do not have word count software [] installed?
Try Word Count Software Free [] Order
Word Count S...
You can edit the job to remove the "Cancelled" status, create the
invoice (NOT with the "Create invoice" button, since that creates only
full invoices), and then re-apply the status.
Please click the header in the "Group box" and drag it back into its
desired place in the actual table, or drag it upwards until an X
appears over it, and release.
You can create a custom field for this. Please call up the help file,
and consult the chapter "Projetex Administration >> Database
customization" to find out more.
You can make selecting freelancers easier by assembling a dedicated
"Freelance Team" for each active project.
Look for the Freelance Team tab in the Project window.
After the team is assembled, you will have the option of viewing only
freelancers on the...
No, the interface overhaul in version 3D is permanent.
Document templates are independent RTF files and their text portions
can be in any language, regardless of the program's interface.
You can edit templates in "Business/Corporate settings >> Templates".
Our software connects to our servers only to verify registration and
check for updates.
All other data is stored only locally.
This means it wasn't selected during installation. Please run the
installer again and make sure that you select all options in the
"Select components" screen.
Country prefixes are not required, but can be entered.
The AnyCount world count tool [] can't display
results in multiple units simultaneously, but you can change units in
the "Units >> Selected" menu and click "Results" to see the changes.
Do not have word count software [
Please find the dll file in question (its default location is
C:Program Files (x86)AITAnyLexic 2.0fbudf). First of all, please make
sure that the file itself and the folder it is in are not compressed.
Then right-click, and select "Properties >> Security"...
No, work files are stored separately, in a special folder.
There is no software-imposed upper limit. Only the limitations of the
host machine (free disk space) apply.
Work files are stored indefinitely.
The maximum database file size is 10GB.
When creating or editing custom fields you will see a box called
"Variable". That is where you define the variable's "template name".
After that, please edit the required template and add the variable's
template name in the desired location, in the same...
Please uninstall Translation Office 3000 3D, then re-start the
Translation Office 3000 3D installer and choose the "Demo database"
option during installation.
When Translation Office 3000 3D is installed with the Demo database,
please re-start the conver...
To create credit notes in TO3000 3D, please do the following:
1. In the Projetex Workstation, go to Workspace>>Clients>>Client.
2. Select a client and move to the Credit Notes tab.
3. Click New and select the invoice to which the credit note will be...
Custom drop-down lists do not use autosort, but do use autofill.
You can install the AnyCount world count tool []
on multiple machines, but one license can only register Anycount 4D on
one machine at a time.
In order to use one code on two machines, you would need to log out on
one machine before ...
The AnyCount world count tool [] uses base units
to count documents. Base units for AnyCount are either characters
(with or without spaces) or words.
Lines in Anycount are subordinate units, by default they consist of 55
characters wit...
Documents like invoices, quotes, etc., are composed automatically
using templates.
A template is an RTF file which provides document layout (your company
address and requisites, formatting, tables, headers and footers,
company logo etc.) and placeholders ...
Please download the installer from your account at
[] or
[] and install the
You likely do not have write access to the backup's target folder.
Please try logging in as a different user, making the backup to a
different folder, or changing the security settings of the target
If all else fails, please try saving in the ...
Credit notes and Refunds are only available to holders of the Advanced
You can upgrade your license here:
The main program is likely still running in the background.
Please shut it down it and run the converter again.
You can do the following: Create an invoice, Void it, re-create it
again, and, if necessary, delete the voided invoice.
Projetex databases are password protected, so only authorized users
can access the data. Also, a database registered with one license key
can not be used on a server registered with a different license key.
If you wish to additionally encrypt the databa...
The most likely reason is that the "missing" POs are actually hidden
behind filters.
Please disable any filters in the workstation.
If you still can not see the required PO, please log out, then log in
as the administrator (login: Admin, default passwor...
The Help file is bundled with the program. Please press F1 in any
table or "New/Edit" window, or click Help in the Settings.
If you do not have the program yet, but want to familiarize yourself
with it, please download the attached file.
The Help file is bundled with the program. Please press F1 in any
table or "New/Edit" window, or click Help in the Settings.
If you do not have the program yet, but want to familiarize yourself
with it, please visit
The Help file is bundled with the AnyCount world count tool
[]. Please press F1 while the program is active,
or click "Acocunt >> help"
If you do not have the program yet, but want to familiarize yourself
with it, please download the...
The Help file is bundled with the program. Please press F1 while the
program is active or click Help in the menu
If you do not have the program yet, but want to familiarize yourself
with it, please download the attached file.
The Help file is bundled with the program. Please press F1 while the
program is active, or clicking Help in the settings.
If you do not have the program yet, but want to familiarize yourself
with it, please download the attached file.
In the database the global code is only a sequential number. The
Prefixes and suffixes are only seen in the user inteface.
The filter sorts globally only by the sequential number portion. The
Prefixes and Suffixes are not taken into account.
No. The default Administrator account is always present and can not be
Login: Admin
Defaunt password: admin
You can create a new "Group of services" called, for example,
"Downtime", with "services" like "sick leave", and add them as dummy
"jobs" to the Jobs list.
Groups and services are created in Coprorate Settings on a
Q: I wondered if it is possible to add tasks to a client job. For
instance, I would like to track how much time I spend on actually
translating the job, but also the time I spend on research or going
through reference material, on e-mailing, preparing the...
Q: I want to change the invoice code format. For example, for the
company ABCD, instead of the format I-ABCD0001, I want to have the
following format:
(Client code)-(Year)-(Invoice number).
How do I do that?
A: Unfortunately, the format ...
No, the database converter utility can only use the main database
files for conversion.
You can create a checkbox-type custom field in the Client Jobs table,
call it, for example, "Invoiced externally" and mark the jobs that
Read about creating custom fields in the "Projetex Administration >>
Database Customization" chapter in the Proje...
The Business Expenses table serves primarily to record one-time
miscellaneous expenses (e.g. upgrading computer hardware or software,
paying an advertiser, the cost of a business trip, etc.).
In short, anything not directly connected to the translation jo...
When you create a new quote or job, you will see a button labelled
"Anycount" in the "New Quote/Job" window.
Select a corresponding count unit, click the button, select the files
to be counted, and the AnyCount world count tool
[] modu...
It means that the code you are trying to enter is already active, and
does not have to be entered again.
No. Anycount is only distributed in monthly, quarterly or yearly
subscriptions, or permanent owned licenses.
Please do the following:
1. Download the TO3000 10 installer from your account at
[] and run it to update your
TO3000 10 database to the final build of that version.
2. Run the To30...
It seems that you have created an overly complex custom filter on that
The only way to remove it is to clear the metadata of the entire
This will not damage any real records in the database, just remove
things like active filters.
No, currently the labels on the flags can not be altered.
No, the Business folder needs to be transferred separately.
ClipCount 3d is a freeware program.
You can download it here:
Our software is not divided into specializations and can be used for
any kind of translation work.
If you own multiple editions of the program, it is possible that you
have accidentally registered the program with a lower edition key.
Please visit your account at
[] or
No, quotes and invoices are completely independent entities.
Currenntly, the programs have no such functionality.
To unsubscribe from further follow-up e-mails, please use the
"Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the last e-mail.
You probably created the account from a different e-mail.
Please try using one of your previous e-mails as the login.
After you login, you can change the e-mail in the "Profile" tab.
Here are some tips to improve the productivity of Translation Office
For example, using the corresponding filter box, you can show only
outstanding invoices if you do not need to...
A good solution would be to start over with a new clean database:
1. Make a "final backup" of your current database in the "Server
admininstrator" utility.
2. Manually delete, move or rename the folder "C:Program Files
(x86)Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL12...
Please reboot your machine, then try to delete the partial downloads,
and download the required installers from your account at
[] or
The program will not send any reminders about future marketing events
in "Client >> Marketing". You will have to check yourself.
Please try temporarily disabling your Dropbox service and then
changing the folder.
If the problem persists, please try temporarily uninstalling Dropbox,
rebooting your machine, changing the Business folder, then
re-installing Dropbox.
That was the idea. After all, what is the point of displaying a due
date if the invoice is already settled.
Perhaps you could add such a construction instead:
So that the date is only displayed if the invoice is not paid...
No, licneses on separate accounts will not open each other's
Please open that invoice and switch to the "linked with payments" tab.
You will see the invoice's associated payment there.
You can switch to the client's "Payments" tab, find the payment and
either unlink it from from the invoice (double-click >> Linked...
No, there is no support of Free edition in the current version of
No. TO3000 3d and Projetex 3D use a "what you see is what you get"
preview system for reports.
Just select the report and a preview of it will open, with all the
data in place.
Existing "one-time fee" licenses will not be affected by the
transition in any way.
Please contact Support at
[] and name the software that you
wouldlike to extend the trial for.
Please make sure that you have a stable Internet connection, and that
you are correctly entering the correct code into the correct version
of the program.
If you are sure everything is correct, but the registration process
does not complete, please cont...
No, there is no way to eliminate the zeroes. They are there on
purpose, to ensure correct sorting of the invoices.
First, you will need to convert the Prospect to a Client. In the
Prospect list, click the hamburger icon and select "Move to Clients".
Then, In the Client Quotes table, use the "Create project based on
Quote" function.
Please reboot your machine.
If the problem persists, please launch TO3000 in Admin mode
(right-click >> Properties >> Compatibility >> enable "Run program as
AIT is transitioning to a subscription model for its "4D" generation
of programs. Older licenses will not be affected.
Please right-click the program, go to "Properties >> Compatibility >>
Change High DPI settings".
Enable "Override high DPI scaling" and select "program" from the
drop-down list.
Work files are not uploaded manually.
When you add a new file or edit an existing one and want to upload
them, select the files and click the "upload" (red up arrow) button.
Keep an eye on the Status of the files: "Local" means the file exists
only on...
Most likely, this means that your timed license has expired and you
did not renew it.
No. You always have access to all previously purchased versions of the
The most likely reason is that the server machine does not have MS
Office installed. Please install MS Office and try exporting the query
Yes, TO3000 3d uses a different Database engine, and will not
interfere with any previous version of TO3000.
Yes, Projetex 3d uses a different Database engine, and will not
interfere with any previous version of Projetex.
No. A Projetex workstation needs a server, but a Projetex server can
be installed on the same machine as the workstation.
For WinServer machines, a possible cause could be incorrectly
configured Group Policies.
Please try the following:
Press Windows + R keys.
In the run dialogue box, enter gpedit.msc and click OK.
Navigate to Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local...
Please do the following:
1) uninstall TO3000
2) manually delete or move the folder C:UsersPublicDocumentsAITTO3000,
Version 3Ddb
3) install TO3000 again, running the installer in Administrator mode
(right-click >> run as administrator)
The main new features of Anycount 4D are:
- faster counting
- complete standalone status (does not require any third-party
software to function)
- an expanded list of compatible formats (69 total):
* basic file formats: DOC, DOCX, RTF, XLS, XLSX...
Please make sure that the variable names you add don't have any spaces
in them.
Make sure you are adding the correct variables to the correct
INVOICE_GLOBAL_CODE can only be added to Invoice e-mail templates, for
Using the "Copy from General" function in the clients' price lists,
you can select prices from the general list with CTRL+click,
SHIFT+click or CTRL+A, click "copy price", then confirm with "Yes to
The Anycount word count tool [] only counts the
volume of the text in files. It does not count repetitions.
However, we also offer a freeware tool called CATCount
( []) that can parse
Payment methods are indicated in invoices to show how the client is
expected to pay. When the payments arrive, they are linked to a
corresponding invoice.
All you have to do is maximise the first subwindow you open, then
close and restart the program. After that, all new subwindows will
start maximised.
When you open the directory in the "Add files" window, you can use
CTRL+A, CTRL+click or SHIFT+click to select multiple files.
You can open the directory in Explorer, highlight multiple files and
click-drag them to the Anycount word count tool
No, our gift certificates do not expire.
Please consider upgrading to the latest version of Anycount.
You can download the program for a trial here:
And purchase the upgrade to the Anycoun...
Please go into the Database tab in your old Server Administrator
utility and look closely at the path to the database file.
If it is different that the path you used before, please open the new
If it is the same, it means the actual database file is...
Please go into "Settings >> Database" in your old program and look
closely at the path to the database file.
If it is different that the path you used before, please open the new
If it is the same, it means the actual database file is stored in a
That error usually means that there is some empty field somewhere that
shouldn't be empty.
Please carefully check the source invoice, the jobs added to it, the
client settings and the settings at "business settings >> e-invoicing"
to make sure that there ...
This means that your Projetex user account does not have administrator
Please log out and log in as the default administrator (login: admin;
default password: admin).
That account will have the Administrator settings.
You will also be able to giv...
Currently, each Corporate Expert can only see and interact with the
jobs that were assigned to them specifically.
Currently, each Corporate Expert can only see and interact with the
jobs that were assigned to them specifically.
No. The CatCount/Anycount notes field is too large to display on the
main table.
No, currently the administrator can not define that. All custom fields
of corporate jobs, JAs and payments can be edited by experts.
No, a single job can only include a single service.
No, the Projetex Server module should be installed on only one
That machine will act as the server, and the othe rmachines will
connect to it via LAN or Internet.
The default location is "C:Program files (x86)AITProjetex 3DProjetex
ServerAdministratorProAdmin.exe" on the server machine.
Currently, AIT does not develop software for mobile devices.
In the "Edit Invoice" window you can adjust the width of the columns
in the Job table by clicking and dragging the gap between the column
headers, and change their position by clicking and dragging the
headers themselves.
If the required field is not in...
Yes, the Projetex Server can be hosted on a VPS.
No, the codes of existing invoices can't be edited.
AnyCount is a word count tool []. In
TO3000/Projetex, it will allow yoou to automatically calculate the
volume of work in the files sent by your clients.
Reports are special documents and provide specific useful information
about the records in your database.
[] for more information.
No, the invoice numbering of the FatturaPA module is completely
The default locale format is always the same as the Windows locale
To change the Windows locale format, see
Projetex, does not support such functionality.
Apossible workaround is replacing the client names and client PM names
in the database with "code names", so that only administrators know
which code corresponds to whom.
AIT is a translation agency for the English<=>Russian and
English<=>Ukrainian languafe pairs and a developer of software aimed
at translators and translation agencies.
Such fixed fees are best added as an Adjustment.
Click the Adjustment tab in the "edit invoice" window and enter the
To display adjustments in your custom invoice templates, please use a
construction similar to this one:
The Anycount word count tool [] uses base units to
count documents. Base units for AnyCount are either characters (with
or without spaces) or words.
Pages in Anycount are subordinate units, by default they consist of
1800 characters wi...
No, these accounts are completely separate.
Please contact support at,
[,] describe your problem and give
the e-mail logins ofboth accounts.
No, Projetex and TO3000 do not offer Google calendar integration.
It looks like there is already the user named ODBC within the
Probably it has been created earlier for some purpose.
Have you already used ODBC with Projetex? Probably, with the older
version of Projetex?
Is it possible that ODBC user has been ...
Please contact Support at
[] and describe your problem.
Some reports and filters may use different date columns when dividing
jobs by year.
For example: The Client Jobs dynamic report looks at the Completed
date of a job, while the global filter looks at the Creation date.
Yes, licnese codes change with every upgrade.
At the bottom of the screen you will see the word "workspace".
Please click it, you will be creating projects and jobs in the
The best way to do that would be to open each required job and select
the "On hold" or "cancelled" special status for it.
The Special Status menu will be near the bottom right corner of the
"edit job" window.
Q: I have loaded a template which works OK and invoiced a few single
jobs so far. Today, I wanted to invoice 5 jobs done in November for
the same client. I managed to create the invoice and the 5 jobs are
related to it. But when I create the Word version ...
You can simply click the header (name) of the column you want to sort
by. Click again to sort in the other direction.
No. files in these folders are not affected by the installer.
Yes, but if you multiple users are going to access Projetex at the
same time, it as recommended to install the server component on a
mahcine that will be active 24/7 (a VPS or dedicated server).
First of all, please make sure that you are actually entering the
correct password.
Try copy-pasting it instead of typing, make sure that it doesn't have
any leading or trailing spaces.
If the password has numbers, please check if Num Lock is in the right...
Phantom payments are payments that are not added to the "payments"
list, but exist only as data in the invoice. Their primary function is
to cover small discrepancies in the invoice and actual payment, such
as bank fees or currency exchange deviations. Th...
Please contact Support at
[] and give the name of your
If we gave the association a discount, there is likely a special page
created for it. Support will send you a link t...
The likely reason is that the logo filewas too large or somehow
Please download the attached script and do the following:
1) Launch the Projetex Server Administrator
2) Go to the Database tab and click "Go offline".
3) Make a Backup of the da...
Q: I have been using TO for many years and consequently, there are
quite a number of clients I no longer work for. I do not want to
delete their data but for my client maintenance (going through my list
of clients, checking whom I need to invoice etc.), i...
JOBS_TOTAL includes only theactual otoals of the jobs in the invoice.
NET_JOBS_TOTAL also includes the discounts and markups.
INVOICE_TOTAL includes all ofthe above, plus taxes and adjustments.
Different versions of the Anycount word count tool
[] have slightly different counting algorithms.
Please go to "Business settings >> Volume units", edit the unit you
want to switch to and tick the "used by ExactSpent" box.
You can highlight a single line in a table and CTRL-C CTRL-V it
intoany text editor as a tab-delimited string.
No. The program accepts only RTF templates.
Currently, changing the name ofthe pre-attached file in the mail
sender requires a few extra steps:
1. In the "edit invoice" window, click "Save" and enter the new name
of the file in the "Save as" window. Click OK.
2. Click "Send Mail", right-click the e...
No, only the profile, Prices, Contacts, and Marketing data can be
cloned when cloning a client.
The numbers in a project name are still treated as text, and sorted as
I recommend sorting the projects by code instead. Just click the
header of the "code" column.
Projects are numbered sequentially, so the numbers should line up
Ace Proof is only a tool for proofing non-language-specific errors
(spaces, punctuation, untranslated segments) and inconsistencies in
multilingual project files.
It does not process TMs or termbases.
You are likely using an older version of the program.
Please try out TO3000 3D.
You can download the demo here:
You will be able to order the upgrade here:
No, Currently TO3000 doesnot have such a function.
No. RTF templates are recognized by their location, not their names.
First of all, please free up some space on your hard drive.
I recommend using CCleaner []
to remove unnecessary files. The basic version of the program is free.
After that, please go into "Advanced Settings >> Fol...
Please go into "Corporate/Business settings >> Templates" (click the
button with the program's symbol near the upper-left corner of the
window to enter the Settings menus), select the invoice template, and
add the following to it:
Payment method:
Starting from version 4D, the Anycount word count tool
[] has been streamlined for more focus on its core
functionality (providing quick and accurate word counts for multiple
formats) and the Invoicing function had to be removed.
The Anycount word count tool [] exports reports to
PDF, HTML and DOCX, and can also send reports directly to the printer.
The Anycount 4D word count tool [] supports a
total of 69 formats
* basic file formats: DOC, DOCX, RTF, XLS, XLSX, PPTX, PPSX, TXT
* Images and PDF: GIF, PNG, BMP,...
To get a trial version of the Anycount word count tool
[], do the following:
1) Either log in or register an account at [].
Click "Log in" in the upper-right corner and e...
Starting from version 4D, the Anycount word count tool
[] uses per-seat licensing.
Every license key can only be used on one machine at a time.
Uninstalling a registered instance of Anycount automatically frees up
the license.
The Anycount word count tool [] can use either
type, depending on the license you purchase.
You can see your Anycount word count tool []
license keys in our Translation3000 account.
Log in, go to
[] and click "View" on
any order.
No, starting with Anycount 4D you only need to remember the login and
password for your
[] account.
Once you enter those into the Anycount word count tool
[], it will aut...
Yes, you will receive reminder e-mails when your Anycount word count
tool [] license is about to run out.
Yes, you can click the vertical border on the right side of the table
pane in the Anycount word count tool [] to either
hide or show the graphs, or click and drag to change their width.
Yes. The Anycount word count tool [] doesn't
really 'count' anything in the archive files themselves. Rather, is
unpacks the files inside them into temporary foders and counts the
No, the Anycount 2021 word count tool [] is a
standalone program.
The next major versions of TO3000 and Projetex will likely contain an
Anycount 2021 module, though.
Please visit this page
to see the features of each edition of the Anycount word count tool
Yes, simply use the "add from Web" function of the Anycount word count
tool [] several times in a row before counting.
You can point it towards a different website each time.
Yes, you can use the "Add" and "Add from Web" functions of the
Anycount word count tool [] together before
Before adjusting the settings for a specific format, you need to add a
file of the required format to the program.
Use the "Add" or "Add from Web" functions on the "Files" screen of the
the Anycount word count tool [].
The "Getting Started" chapter is the recommended starting point for
new users.
No, currently the program does not have such functionality.
It is recommended to open the help file with F1 in any table, then
navigate to the "Quick Start" topic.
Please check the lengths of your file names and Project folder names.
Projetex/TO3000 can not properly see files where the full path is too
Please try shortening the file name, or open the Server Administrator,
go to "Corporate Settings >> Fold...
You likely do not have write access to the backup's target folder.
Please try making the backup to a different folder, or changing the
security settings of the target folder.
If all else fails, please try saving in the default location:
This means that the Workstation machines have different system
To change a system locale, right click the clock in the lower-right
corner of the screen, then select "adjust time and date >> locale
format" and select the desired format.
Here is what you can do:
1. In the Server Administrator, go to "Corporate settings >> Fields"
and create a new field, Type: CHECKBOX, name: Inactive freelancer.
2. Go into the "custom fields" tab of each freelancer you want to
disable in the list, and c...
We distribute all our programs digitally, so there is no "delivery
Please use the special link in the email itself. It will take you to
the correct page.
This option is not supported at the moment in Translation Office 3000
3D templates.
Please make sure that the server and workstations use the same license
keys and matching program builds.
Please do the following:
1) Log in to your company account at
[]. Download t...
Currently, TO3000 3D does not show removable drives or network drives
as eligible locations for the Business folder.
This was done for reasons of stability and security.
Please open the job for editing and take a closer look at it.
If it has an "Included in invoice" message in the Edit window, it is
already included in an invoice.
If you can not see that invoice in the list, please disable all active
No, Our software is standalone and does not integrate with third-party
applications in this way.
The "Delete" button for jobs in this mode is found in the "Client
jobs" tab of the "Client" table.
On the server machine, please go into "Task Manager >> Services" and
make sure that the service "Projetex3DFileSrv" is both present and
If it is not there, please run the program's installer again (do not
uninstall the server software, just instal...
First, please install TO3000 with the Empty or Demo database.
Then, place the MDF and LDF files from the old machine into a single
folder (not into the same folder as the empty/demo database), then in
TO3000 go to "Database Settings >> Set Database Fold...
Currently, that is not possible.
However, you can create a new, empty database by manually moving the
existing database file to a new location, and then running the
program's installer with the "Empty database" option.
Yes, users are free to keep their current versions of the programs.
Even after you upgrade to the new version, your previous versions will
still be available to you.
If you need two separate invoices, then you can do the following:
1) Cancel or delete the current job.
2) Create two jobs in its place, each priced for the according
percentage of the full sum.
2) Create an invoice for each, as required.
Go to the "Payments" tab of the Client's table.
There you will be able to create new payments.
After you enter the value of the payment, switch to the "linked with
invoices" tab and click "New link" to select the invoice.
Please do the following:
1) Download the attached file and place it into C:Program Files
(x86)AITTranslation Office 3000 Version 3DAdminDBUpdates
2) Launch TO3000, go to Database Settings >> RUN UPDATE SCRIPT.
3) Select the file and run it.
Projetex does not have API or any other way to directly connect to
third-party CRM systems.
Click on the "Units" button at the top of the Anycount word count tool
[] screen.
The drop-down list behind the "Selected" button will allow you to
select the unit, and the "All" button will allow you to customise
existing units or c...
In earlier versions of TO3000 and Projetex (before version 3D), credit
notes were implemented as "negative invoices".
Projetex 3D and TO3000 3D have a separate table for credit notes, and
credit notes no longer use invoice codes.
By default, exchange rates are updated every day.
You can change this to weekly or monthly updates in
"Business/Corporate settings >> Exchange rates".
No, there is no "Preview" function, but you can use the "save & open"
function to immediately see the created document.
The Server Administrator handles the server-level settings of
Projetex, such as custom fields and reports, as well as the Backup and
Restore functions and the general "online/offline" status of the
The Server Administrator does not need to be ...
Please select "Freelancers >> Payments" in the Ribbon.
You will see a "Mass Payments" button in the window.
Click it, select the required freelancer(s) and the "One payment per
PO" option, and click "Generate".
Yes, the date of a Marketing Tracker record can be set to any point in
the past or future.
Log in to your account at
[] and download the installer of
the final build from there.
What creates the the delay is most likely the fact that the attached
document is a PDF, and creating a PDF takes longer than, say an RTF.
Here is how you can change that:
2) Double click the te...
If you want to continue using your old database, you will need to try
and recover it from the old hard drive.
You will need to look for one of two things:
1. The main database folder itself (default location:
C:UsersPublicDocumentsAITTO3000, Version 3Ddb)...
To send us a support request, please visit
[] and click "Submit a Ticket".
After purchasing the upgrade at
[] and
receiving the code, click the "Upgrade" button in the settings and
enter the new code.
You do not need to "Deactivate" anything.
However, if you are also installing the server on to the new machine,
please make sure to make a backup of the database and restore it on
the new machine.
Please try creating clients with the "New Client" button in the
"Client >> Main" table.
First, please purchase an Anycount 2021 word count tool
[] license upgrade here:
After that, please click the...
The job itself is likely not marked as completed.
Please do the following:
1) Unlink the payment from the invoice.
2) Edit the the invoice and disable the "Invoice approved" option.
3) Edit the job and make sure that it has nno specialstatus and t...
On the server machine, launch the Server Administrator utility.
If you are still using the default password, the Server
Administrator's login window will display the password.
If you changed the password, the login window will include a Reset
button. ...
First of all, please update the server and all workstations to the
newest build.
You can download the installer file from your account at
Then, you and the remote user will need s...
If you are looking for a specific two-word phrase, please enter the
words in quotation marks.
This will instruct the program to specifically search for that exact
sequence of characters, uncluding the whitepsace in the middle.
Please try using a different browser to download.
You are most likelyusing an old version of TO3000.
The file manger of old versions of TO3000 is not fully compatible with
the latest builds of Windows 10.
Please consider upgrading to TO3000 3D.
You can download a free 30-day trial here:
No, we do not produce native Mac versions of our software, but it can
be run on a Mac through a virtual machine like Parallels
[]or VirtualBox [].
The global data filter only searches Jobs by creation date, not
completion date.
To search specifically by completion date, try using the Advanced
filter instead.
Try the condition "Completed between and "
Anycount 4D and 2021 are fully compatible.
Versions 3D, 8 and 7 are compatiblewith windows 10 itself, but may
experience compatibility issues with the latests builds of Microsoft
Version 6 and earlier are incompatible.
You can download a fre...
TO3000 3D is fully compatible.
Versions 11 and 10 are mostly compatible, but their file manager
modules in particular are known to have compatibility issues with the
latest builds of Windows 10.
Version 9 has no major compatibility issues.
Versions ...
Projetex 3D is fully compatible.
Projetex 10 has no major compatibility issues.
Projetex 9 and earlier are incompatible with Windows 10.
You can download a free 30-day trial of Projetex 3D here:
The new invoice is likely outside the scope of your active filters.
Please disable all filters.
Please be sure to enter the login and password for your e-mail account
in the IMAP dialogue window, and try using the different connection
types in the "Connection" drop-down list.
Everything is saved when you click OK in the New/Edit windows.
You may need to reconfigure the connections in the workstation side,
in the "Server" dialog during the login procedure.
The Projetex Server will not need any adjustment.
The easiest way to move Anycount 4D from one machine to another
(assuming you have a single license) is just to uninstall it on one
machine and install on the other.
Uninstalling will automatically free up the license, and it willl be
re-registered on t...
Unfortunately, no. Files deleted from the file manager are deleted
Some websites use files without extensions. These files are visible to
Anycount, but the program will not be able to process them.
This is not an error and does not require correction. The program is
working is intended
No. The two sites represent different licensing systems, and have
separate account databases.
Please go to "User Settings >> Appearance" and enable the "Calculate
totals" option.
The program can be used to manage all kinds of
translation/interpretation related jobs.
The most likely reason is that the new build is installing in a
different location from the old one, and the desktop shortcuts are
still pointing to the old build.
Please uninstall the program, then re-install it and tick the "Create
desktop shortcut" op...
Currently, the program does not support such functionality.
No? "partial inclusion" of corporate expenses into balance is not
currently supported.
You might emulate the "partial inclusion" with regular invoices via
"discounts" or "taxes", but you will need to always keep in mind that
the totals in the invoices ta...
1. Keep in mind that the "server" field requires the address of the
e-mail provider's SMTP server. Not your own email address.
2. If you don't know which connection type to use, either inquire with
the provider, or try connecting with every type.
ClipCount 3D is fully compatible.
Previous versions are incompatible.
Luckily, Clipcount 3D is a freeware program, and you can download it
at []
Exactspent 3 is fully compatible.
Previous versions are not compatible.
You can download trial versions of Exactspent 3 and order upgrades
here: []
Please go back to "Advanced Settings >> Fields" settings and take a
close look at the tab where you created the field. Is it the tab where
you intended to create it, or a different tab?
If it is different, please re-create the field in the intended tab.
This probably means that you have more accounts active then your
license currently allows.
Edit one you do not use and tick the "Access is blocked" box there.
You can purchase extra workstations
Right-click the table, go to "Grid settings" and enable "Group Box".
Drag the Header of the "Client" column in to the Group box.
The table will be separated into "sub-lists" for each client, that you
can expand and collapse at will.
You can group the ...
Anycount counts all sheets in Excel files.
Our reseller agreements are not have expiration date.
No. The standalone version of Anycount can not be connected to
Projetex/To3000 3D in such a way.
No, you wont. At most, you will need to uninstall and re-install your
AIt software.
No, there is no way to do that.
Restoring a backup always reverts all changes made since its creation.
When using the "old" converter to create the "Intermediate" database
file, please be sure to follow the red instruction text.
No. Currently, e-mail templates are plauntext-only.
You need to have MS Word and Excel installed.
Aceproof works together with these programs to process their files.
Acrolexic 2 is a legacy program and is imcompatible with Windows 10.
Anylexic 2 is a legacy program and is imcompatible with Windows 10.
Winlexic 2005 is a legacy program and is imcompatible with Windows 10.
The Anymem MS Word plugin is incomplatible with Windows 10 and the
recent version of MS Word.
No. The server and workstations must come from the same version
(proferably installed with the same installer) to work together.
No, Work files are not integrated into the backup files and have to be
transferred separately.
No, edited templates are not integrated into the backup files and have
to be transferred separately.
Their location is C:BusinessServerTemplates
No, edited templates are not integrated into the backup files and have
to be transferred separately.
Their location is C:UsersPublicDocumentsAITTO3000, Version 3DTemplates
Yes, custom reports are integrated into the database file itself.
Yes, custom queries are integrated into the database file itself.
This simply means tha the program shouldbe run in administrator mode.
The destop shortsuts typically already have Admin mode configured.
If they don't, please right-click the shortcut, go to "Properties >>
Compatibility" and enable the "Run program as...
Please download the installer directly from your account at
[] or
[] and run it.
No. The "Search for freelancers" dialog window can not be customised.
However, you can add custom fields to freelancer table itself in the
"Corporate Settings >> Fields" of the Server Administraotor, and
create filters with those fields in the Workstati...
Anycount can use a "Characters with spaces" counting methods to
include spaces and tabs, but will not track them separately from other
This most likely means that you are using TO3000 11 or older on
Windows 10.
The TO3000 11 File Manager is not fully compatible with the latest
builds of Windows 10
The only way to remedy this is to upgrade to TO3000 3D.
You can download a free trial he...
First of all, please try saving the invoice in different formats.
Just select the format from the "file type" drop-down list. The RTF
format is almost guaranteed to work.
As for the error itself, please try the following:
In Microsoft Word, go to "File >...
Curently, CatCount accepts Trados log files (CSV, XML, XLSX), LogoPort
log files (TXT) and WordFast log files (XLS)
All versions of Anycount from 4D onwards use our new licensing system
and do not appear in
Instead, you can download the program from your account at
The main improvement is the new OCR engine, which has greatly improved
text recognition quality, supports more languages, and can analyze
multiple languages at a time.
OCR functionality is now avaialbe in all editions, with higher
editions able to activ... []
track its account separately, so you will need to create an account
there first.
Also, it is generally not recommended to use the same password on
multiple sites, but you are free to use ...
Please makesure that you actually created an ccount first. [] and
[] track their user accounts
You can do the following:
1) In the Freelance Jobs table, click the "Advanced" button in the
lower-left corner of the table.
2) In the new window add one condition "Job Code ends with 00001" and
click OK.
3) Use the Export function (CTRL+E) to export the ...
You can do the following:
1) In the Corporate Jobs table, click the "Advanced" button in the
lower-left corner of the table.
2) In the new window add one condition "Job Code ends with 00001" and
click OK.
3) Use the Export function (CTRL+E) to export the ...
To deactivate your license, click the "Account" button on the
upper-right corner and select "Log out".
the license is also deactivated automatically when you uninstall the
If enabled, this option creates TXT files that precisely record the
text the program recognised during a counting session.
These files can be viewed by clicking the "texts" button in the
Results window.
Please try downloading from this direct link:
When creating a new invoice, you can easily add multiple jobs at once
to it by holding the CTRL key and clicking on the required jobs in the
"Add jobs to invoice" dialog.
No, you only need to go to "Help >> Upgrade" in the settings, and
enter the new license code.
To register a higher edition, please click the "Account" button in the
upper-right corner, click "Log out", log in again, and select the new
license in the list.
No, subscriptions to not have upgrade discounts. Only owned licenses
have upgrade discounts.
Your current license needs to be reset manually.
Please go to
[], click "License
manage" next to the required license and click "Deactivate" next to
the licen...
The TO3000 installer will never delete an existing database. This
allows for the application of updates without the risk of losing data.
To replace the demo database with an empty database, please do the
1) Manually delete the folder C:User...
There is no variable for your own e-mail and slogan.
Just insert the e-mail and slogan themselves directly into the
Please place the backup file into the folder C:Program Files
(x86)Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL12.P3DMSSQLBackup and restore it from
Please try rebooting your machine.
If the problem persists, please try using different settings in the
User Settings >> Email >> Connection drop-down list.
You can go to "Advanced Settings >> Template variables" and create a
fixed CORPADDRESS variable there. Then you can add that variable to
all the required templates. and whenever you change the variable's
contents, the templates with the variable will chan...
You can use the Clone function to copy client jobs, then edit the
requited fields.
Click the hamburger icon in the "Project >> Tree" tab and select
The database converter needs your main FDB file, not a backup file.
Please open your old program and go to "Settings >> Database".
The new window will show the location of your database file.
The database converter needs your main FDB file, not a backup file.
Please open the Server Administrator utility and switch to the
"Database" tab.
The window will show the location of your database file.
For each client that uses Locale settings different from yours, tn the
client's Profile, click "Locale settings", then select "Custom values"
from the top dropdown list and edit the settings as required.
The two main license types we offer are subscriptions (monthly,
quarterly, yearly) and "owned" lifetime licenses.
Regardless of license type, Anycount uses a "Per-seat" system, so, for
example, you will need to purchase 2 licenses if you have 2 users.
Double-click the required invoice to open the "Edit invoice' dialog.
At the bottom of the dialog you will see a drop-down list. Simply
click it and select the required template.
No you don't.
After you purchase a license and install the program, you will only
need to register it with your Login and Password from []
If you have many available licenses, you will be ...
In the "Edit user" window, note the "Copy from access role" button.
In "Administrator >> Access Roles" you can create "templates" of user
access rights.
For example, you can create an "Accountant" template and configure it.
Next time you create a user ac...
Upgrading to TO3000 3D requires additional payment (and is optional).
You can download a free 30-day trial for TO3000 3D here: []
And order the upgrade here:
Upgrading to Projetex 3D requires additional payment (and is
You can download a free 30-day trial for TO3000 3D here:
No. If you purchase a new (higher edition) Anycount 2021 subscription
or an owned license while you already have an active subscription that
you want to cancel, please contact support and describe the situation.
Please go to "Corporate Settings >> Templates" on the user's
workstation and make sure that the required template does NOT have the
"Team - Missing" status (Ideally it should just have a "Team" status).
If it does have the "Team - Missing" status, pleas...
When creating or editing projects/jobs/invoices etc., Projetex
workstations always use the current system's time.
The most likelycause is the display scaling on your machine.
Please reduce display scaling to 100%.
A Freelance translator you might be interested in the following
Projetex 3D (translation project management for translation agencies)
Anycount 2021 (multi-format word count program)
Exastspent 3D (Time-Tracking software)
Aceproof (language-agnos...
A Freelance translator you might be interested in the following
TO3000 3D (translation project management for freelancers)
Anycount 2021 (multi-format word count program)
Exastspent 3D (Time-Tracking software)
Aceproof (language-agnostic QA tool...
Q: I am changing my computer for a laptop, on which I installed your
software. Everything went fine until I added my own templates for the
invoices. The software closed down warning me it was installed on more
than one computer. Please advice how to make ...
In Projetex, a workstation is just the "user-side" part of the
program, where most interaction with the ddatabase takes place.
You install the server part on one machine, then install workstations
on other machines.
Most custom RTF templates shouldstill work in mew versions of the
If you run into problems with any template, please contact support and
we will help you in any way we can.
This most likely means that you are still working in "Without Projetcs
If you want to switch to "with Projects" mode, go to "Advanced
settings >> Workflow mode", select "With projects mode" and click "Set
Currently, the program does not support such functionality.
AnyCount is a fully local program. No file data whatsoever is sent
anywhere. All processing is handled locally.
Threr is no dedicated variable for exchange rates.
But here are the variables we do have:
Invoice total in the client's currency
Invoice total in the base currency
You can use these to calculate the exchange rate like t...
That is not recommended. If you plan on connecting to the server from
remote machines, you will need a server with a static external IP.
Please download the newest build from
[] and install it.
The newest build will run on virtual machines fine.
Q: more and more customers switch to self billing. This means I do not
send invoices to them, nor do they accept such. How am I to handle
such jobs in TOM? They keep appearing as not invoiced, but I do not
want to see them in the "not invoiced" filter.
You can chage the name here:
Please contact customer support and we will help you transfer the
Download the installer from your account, run it and enable the option
"install 'Add to Anycount and count' to Windows Explorer".
TO3000 3D has a built in protection measure against accidental client
Wheneever you try to delete a client, you will need to manually enter
the client's code in a special field to confirm your intention.
Projetex 3D has a built in protection measure against accidental
client deletions.
Wheneever you try to delete a client, you will need to manually enter
the client's code in a special field to confirm your intention.
Please check your Spam folder for the letter with the download link.
If the problem persists, please contact Customer support
In order to migrate Projetex 3D database to a cloud server, you would
need to do the following:
1. Install Projetex 3D Server Administrator application onto your
server with the demo database and register it with your license code.
2. Back up your Proje...
Yes, that is possible.
Please go to "User Settings >> Email" and click the "Configure" button
After entering the access data for the mail server, click "Request
IMAP folder list" and select the "sent" folder in the drop-down list.
All our distribution is purely digital, so there are no transport fees
or delays.
Please do the following:
1) Open TO3000 3D, go to "Database Settings >> Backup" and create a
backup file.
2) Open TO3000 3D+, go to "Database Settings >> Restore" and restore
the newly created file.
If you used a two-screen setup before, please reconnect the second
Otherwise, please activate your TO3000 3D+, clicking on it on the
taskbar. Then push the Alt+Space key combination and select Move from
the menu. Use the arrow buttons on your ke...
You may experience issues with your existing AnyCount 2021 OCR+
application with the following symptoms:
The application requests your email and password. When you put them
in, the message appears:
Registration not successful.
Error connecting with...
To move your TO3000 data from one computer to another, please create a
backup of your Translation Office 3000 database, copy this backup file
to your new computer, and restore the TO3000 database from the backup
To create a backup of TO3000 databa...
First, please try rebooting both the affected workstation and the
server machine.
If the problem persists, please try configuring the firewall on your
server always to have port 213 open.
1. Navigate to Control Panel >> System and Security >> Windows
After Projetex 5D Serer and Projetex 5D Workstation installation, I
cannot see any files in the application.
I get the error "Checking server file storage: Unable to connect to
the file server! Contact your database administrator to check the...
To upgrade, please follow these steps:
0. In your old version, please back up your database (Settings -
Database - Backup)
1. Install TO3000 5D with Empty database.
2. In 5D, go to Settings - Database - Restore and restore the database
from the old vers...
Projetex 5D BusinessServer folder may grow expansively over the years.
It keeps all your client and expert files, working files for projects
you work on, and project files for projects already completed.
If you are in translation business for years, the...
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