TO3000 is slow. What can I do about that?
Posted by Vitaliy Hutyk (AIT) on 12 May 2020 05:45 PM

Here are some tips to improve the productivity of Translation Office 3000:

1. Use the filters to show only those records you need to work with.  For example, using the corresponding filter box, you can show only outstanding invoices if you do not need to see the settled ones.

2. Use the Global Date Filter (the one at the top-right).  This will allow you to display only the records over a certain period, and the application will not fetch the others from the database.

3.  Add Translation Office 3000 folders to your anti-malware application's exceptions (exclusions) list. Windows OS comes pre-equipped with the Windows Security system, which constantly scans all the running processes for malware. This task is time-consuming and may hinder the productivity of foreground applications. You might also be using another anti-virus software, slowing down the operation.

We advise adding Translation Office 3000 folders to the exclusions list to tell the antivirus not to go through them in search of malicious scripts or suspicious signatures. Translation Office 3000 folders by default are

C:\Program Files (x86)\AIT\Translation Office 3000 Version 3D+
C:\Users\Public\Documents\AIT\TO3000, Version 3D+
with subfolders for Translation Office 3000 3D+, and

C:\Program Files (x86)\AIT\Translation Office 3000 Version 3D

C:\Users\Public\Documents\AIT\TO3000, Version 3D

with subfolders for Translation Office 3000 3D.

Below is the link to the instructions for adding a folder to exclusions for the standard Windows Security system:


The database can handle thousands of records with no issues, and these tips should help to significantly improve productivity.

In case they do not, a good solution would be to start over with a new, clean database:

a. Make a "final backup" of your current database in "Database settings >> Backup"

b. Manually delete, move, or rename your database folder (default location "C:\Users\Public\Documents\AIT\TO3000, Version 3D\DB")

c. Run the TO3000 3D installer with the "Empty database" option.

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