Making the archive of old project files to free some space in Projetex 5D
Posted by Mykhailo Serhiievskyi (AIT) on 05 March 2025 10:59 PM

Projetex 5D BusinessServer folder may grow expansively over the years. It keeps all your client and expert files, working files for projects you work on, and project files for projects already completed.


If you are in translation business for years, the folder may grow to terabytes. It complicates the folder management, and uses the disk space too.

In Projetex 5D, we implemented the special feature to sort the BusinessServer folder to organize it better. The new structure also allows for creating a script to move older files to a separate folder. 


Here we attach the example of such .cmd script. 

In the current version, the script moves the files from years of 2000 to 2022 from D:\BusinessServer to D:\BusinessServerOld

You may need to edit it as needed, changing the source and destination folders, and the year. 

Before you run the script, stop the windows service "Projetex 5D Cloud Server", and run the script "as administrator".


After the script finishes, you can move the D:\BusinessServerOld folder to archive, compress it, move to another hard drive and so on.



 moveoldfolders.cmd (1.65 KB)
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