Client and expert jobs. How can I assign experts to a job?
Posted by - NA - on 28 November 2006 05:11 PM

Each project can contain numerous client jobs of different kinds. Each client job can be executed by several experts (freelance and/or corporate). To assign an expert to a job, you need to create an expert job in the scope of a particular client job and then assign an expert to this expert job. All this can be done on the "Project > Tree" page.

Please follow these steps to create a client and then expert job and assign an expert:

1. Switch to the "Project > Tree" page.
2. Click the "New Client Job" button and enter the details requested about the new client job.
3. Right-click on the newly created job, select "New Corporate Job/New Freelance Job" and enter the details requested about the new job.
4. According to the type of job, it will be listed on the Corporate/Freelance tab of the Expert Jobs.
5. To assign an expert to the job, please switch to the Corporate/Freelance tab, select the necessary job from the list and click the "Select" button. To make the job vacant, again please use the "None" button. 

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