Recommended actions depend on the causes of this problem: 1. You do not have the corresponding application installed. (e. g. you count .ppt files but there is no MS Office Power Point installed on your PC). You have to install the corresponding software first. 2. You have an old version of the Anycount word count tool (AnyCount 4.0, AnyCount 5.0), which does not support MS Office Word and Excel 2007, the latest versions of Adobe Acrobat Reader, etc. 3. One of your MS Office applications was not installed or registered properly. For example, it is possible that you encounter problems when counting .doc or .rtf files (you get an error message similar to the following: opening MS Word application: "Interface not registered"). In this case you have to repair or reinstall your MS Office Word. You can also try the following: 1. Click Start => Run. 2. In the Run window enter "cmd" to open the command line dialog. 3. In the command line window enter cd c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11 (or another pathway where your winword.exe file is located). 4. Enter winword.exe /regserver. This command will register MS Office Word in the system registry (a procedure normally done during installation).
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