Knowledgebase : Other > CATCount
The AnyCount word count tool [] produces character, line and word count in PDF, .RTF, .DOC, .XLS, .PPT, .XLS, .CSV, .HTM, .HTML, .TXT, .ZIP and other files. More information is available at: [http://www.anycount...
CATCount was not designed to produce wordcounts of files, the program uses ready CAT analysis (100% match, "fuzzy" match, and so on) to calculate the cost of translated text. To count words in documents, you may use our AnyCount software available at ht...
Wordcount analysis logs of Trados Translator's Workbench are processed automatically. To load a Trados log into CATCount, please do the following: 1. Press F5 or select "Log > Load" in the menu. 2. Select the Trados log.
You can download CatCount here here: [] The program is freeware.
In the current version of CATCount, the match types themselves are not customizable. The percentages of the existing types can be edited freely.
Other than the .CAT scheme files, CatCount can accept the following CAT software analysis logs:
You can export CATCount results into the following formats: - Microsoft Word (.DOC) - Hyper Text Markup Language (.HTML) - Microsoft Excel (.XLS) - Text (.TXT) - Rich Text (.RTF) - Comma Separated Text (.CSV) - Tab Separated Text (.CSV)
No MacOS version is currently available.
CATCount can load log files from Trados, Logoport and Wordfast. CATCount cannot load logs of other CAT tools.
Please perform the following actions: 1. In MemoQ, after you have calculated statistics, click "Export" and select the "CSV (per-file, Trados-compatible)" option. Then click "Export". 2. In CATCount, click the "Log > Load" option (or press F5), select...
Regular fuzzy matches only match against the active TM(s). Internal fuzzy matches also take the segments already translated in the current project, but not yet incorporated into a TM, into account. Not all TM software uses internal fuzzy matches.
You may experience issues with your existing AnyCount 2021 OCR+ application with the following symptoms: The application requests your email and password. When you put them in, the message appears: Registration not successful. Error connecting with...
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