As long as the new build is within the same version of the program,
there is no extra payment.
If a new build has a different version number than the one you
possess, you will have to pay an additional fee for the upgrade.
Upgrade costs are always signi...
I got a notification that I need to update, but the page the
notification takes me to offers me a 30-day evaluation copy. How do I
upgrade my full version?
Please, either use the "check for updates" function in TO3000 or
download the...
While converting, all your data in the database, including the
existing custom fields, will be transferred into the new database.
You can download TO300 v.8 import utilities at:
This installation file includes Data Import, Folders Import and
Templates Import utilities.
Question: I want to upgrade from TO 3000, Version 9 to Version 3D.
However, I am not sure which edition of TO3000 v9 I already have. What
upgrade should I order? Advanced or Professional? If i click Help >
'About TO3000', i see only 'TO3000, Version 9.0, ...
Question: When I launched my TO3000 v11, it prompted me to perform the
automatic update. After the process is finished, TO3000 requires a
license key. My current license key is not valid. Why?
Answer: You have tried to automatically download TO3000 3D. ...
TO3000 3D is a new version of TO3000 which has many new features and
improvements. Therefore, the upgrade to TO3000 3D is fee-based, but
its price is much less than a price of a new TO3000 license. You can
find information about new features in TO3000 3D ...
TO3000 3D is the newest version of TO3000, and has many new features
and improvements. Therefore, the upgrade to TO3000 3D is fee-based but
its price is much lower than the price of a new TO3000 3D license. You
can find information about new features of T...
Nothing is wrong. You are simply trying to upgrade to TO3000 3D
without owning a TO3000 3D license. Upgrading between major versions
requires additional payment.
You can order your upgrade here:
If you own multiple editions of the program, it is possible that you
have accidentally registered the program with a lower edition key.
Please visit your account at
[] or
You are most likelyusing an old version of TO3000.
The file manger of old versions of TO3000 is not fully compatible with
the latest builds of Windows 10.
Please consider upgrading to TO3000 3D.
You can download a free 30-day trial here:
You may experience issues with your existing AnyCount 2021 OCR+
application with the following symptoms:
The application requests your email and password. When you put them
in, the message appears:
Registration not successful.
Error connecting with...
To upgrade, please follow these steps:
0. In your old version, please back up your database (Settings -
Database - Backup)
1. Install TO3000 5D with Empty database.
2. In 5D, go to Settings - Database - Restore and restore the database
from the old vers...