Question: I'm thinking about purchasing TO3000. I work out of 3 different computers. If I buy the software, will I be able to install the program on more than one computer? Answer: Yes, you will be able to install the program on more than one computer...
Unfortunately, no MacOS version is available. Currently there are no plans to release a Macintosh version of Translation Office 3000. However, you can read about work of Translation Office 3000 on Mac in the following Proz discussion: http://www.proz.c...
Yes, you can do so with the following two-step process: 1) Use the bundled Projetex 10 converter (default location C:Program Files (x86)AITProjetex 3DProjetex ServerDBConverter10) on your TO3000 database to create a Projetex 10 database file. 2) Use t...
Please make sure that you have downloaded the setup completely. If it says that "installation is corrupt", it may be a good idea to re-download the setup to some separate folder and try installing again. IMPORTANT: Because of your cache settings or the...
In Panda, you need to go to "Configuracion Configurar la proteccin automacutetica" (Configuration -Configure automatic protection) and uncheck the "Activar la deteccin de amenazas desconocidas"(Activate detection of unknown threats) checkbox under "Protec...
Question: Will the registered version I will use come "blank" or can I continue using the evaluation one which I downloaded and that is full of information I have entered? Answer: You can continue using the current database with all the data you have ...
You can find your license keys and installers in your personal profile at []
TO3000 can be run on MacOS computers under most common virtual machines (e.g. Parallels [] or VirtualBox []).
To move your TO3000 data from a PC to a laptop, please create a backup of your Translation Office 3000 database, copy this backup file to your laptop and restore the TO3000 database from the backup file. To create a backup of TO3000 database or restore a ...
Question: I have installed TO3000 but it freezes on Start. I think that Norton Internet Security blocks it. What should I do? Answer: To avoid this problem, please reboot your PC, if necessary, and perform the following steps: 1. Launch Norton Inter...
The current version of TO3000 is fully compatible with Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.
In Windows Vista, the concept of altering any file in the Program Files folder is different from earlier Windows versions. The major difference is that any changes made to a file inside the Program Files area by a user will be saved only for this parti...
Since version 7 of Translation Office 3000 is not enhanced and improved anymore (since 2006), no compatibility patches are available. However, you can upgrade your TO3000 license to version 3D, which is comptible with all the newest versions of Windows....
You can download setup files from the following locations: Translation office v.7.0: [] Translation office v.8.0: [htt...
Re-installation of the program will not affect your database. However, it is atill recommended to make a backup of your database in "Database Settings >> Backup" before reinstalling, for redundancy.
The error message suggests that you may be trying to use an older license key to register a newer version of the program. Please check your current license key at your personal [] profil...
Please use the Backup function in "Database settings" to create a backup file, transfer it to the new installation, then use the "restore" function on it.
Translation Office 3000 is not available for Linux. We do not plan to release Linux versions in the near future. TO3000 can be used on virtual machines like Parallels ( []) or VirtualBox (https://www.virtu...
The recommended method of synchronization is to regularly make backup files on one machne (Database Settings >> Backup), place the backup files into the cloud folder, and restore them on the other machine (Database Settings >> Restore). Alternatively, y...
The current version of Translation Office 3000 can be run on Mac OS under all common virtual machine software. Also, if you have an Intel-based Mac, you can use the Boot Camp utility to install Windows on your Mac and then you will be able to install TO30...
We guess that you received this error message: This error occurred in builds of TO3000, earlier than TO3000 v10, build 1046. Thus, if you noticed that you have an earlier build (click the Help menu > About option), we suggest you update the program. You...
Please perform the following steps if you would like to migrate to another PC: 1. Download TO3000 from your profile at [] 2. Install the program on your new computer and activate it ...
Please do the following: 1. Close the program. 2. Go to: C:UsersPublicDocumentsAITTO3000, Version 3D and manually delete, move, or rename the "db" folder 3. Run the installation file again and choose the "Empty Database" option.
To install TO3000 from scratch, please do the following: 1. Log into your personal account at []. 2. Download your current TO3000 version and your serial number. 3. Run the TO300...
Your database needs to be updated to the latest build of your current TO3000 version. The simplest way of doing this is to download the latest TO3000 build and install it over the existing copy of the program without uninstalling it. It will automatically...
This error occurs in case you do not have a database available in its current location. Please do the following to install an empty database: 1. Log into [] 2. Download your current ...
THE PROBLEM SOLUTION This problem is most likely related to access rights provided to the DATABASE CONVERTER by your operating system. Please try to launch the DATABASE CONVERTER in administrator mode. For this, right-click the shortcut (or the EXE fi...
To reinstall TO3000, your current copy of the program should be uninstalled first. Then you will be able to install the product once again. UNINSTALLATION 1. Run UNINS000.EXE from the TO3000 installation folder (Picture 1). 2. Proceed through all st...
TO3000 3D is a new version of the product, which uses a different database engine. This means it will not affect your previous installation in any way, provided you do not try to install it into the same folder as the previous version. You still can have ...
If you have already installed TO3000 andor restored your database, you can just download the latest TO3000 build from your personal profile at [] and install it over the existing copy of the p...
This kind of problem usually occurs if you order an upgrade using an email address or registration name different from the one in your original purchase. Please send us a letter to or (depending on the product you u...
No, licneses on separate accounts will not open each other's databases.
No. files in these folders are not affected by the installer.
Yes, custom reports are integrated into the database file itself.
You may experience issues with your existing AnyCount 2021 OCR+ application with the following symptoms: The application requests your email and password. When you put them in, the message appears: Registration not successful. Error connecting with...
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