Knowledgebase : AnyCount Word Count > Word, Character, Line Count Settings
The AnyCount word count tool [] can count text contained in Shapes in MS Office files. Shapes represent elements that belong to auto shapes like WordArt, ClipArt elements, etc. Commonly, shapes can be inserted by using the AutoShape...
The Slide Master is a part of the presentation template. It controls the overall formatting and object placement for the presentation. Note Master, Handout Master and Title Master are responsible for the corresponding Note, Handout and Title templates. T...
The current version of the AnyCount word count tool [] can not count gross lines. The line unit in AnyCount is dependent on basic units (word or character). The default line setting is 55 characters, with spaces. However, you can custo...
AnyCount cannot count only bold text. But we have a workaround which will allow you to do this. 1. Make a copy of your source document. 2. Cut all non-bold text from your document. For this, in your MS Word select the 'Find and Replace' option (do not ...
AnyCount can count only whole files. However, you can try to use third-party PDF splitting software to make several PDF files from a single one. For example, you can try to use the following splitter: [] Do n...
You can specify count settings for the file formats you have selected for counting. For example, to select count settings for the DOC format, please do the following: 1. Open the AnyCount word count tool []. 2. Add some DOC files y...
With the Anycount word count tool [], you can count files in different file formats using any volume unit you like. For example, you can count your files in words, characters with/without spaces, lines, pages, etc. Line counting is i...
Please launch the Anycount word count tool [] in Admnistrator mode (right-click >> Properties >> Compatibility >> enable "Run this program as administrator"). Then, please check your MS Office settings. Please start MS Word, open "...
The Anycount word count tool [] uses base units to count documents. Base units for AnyCount are either characters (with or without spaces) or words. Pages in Anycount are subordinate units, by default they consist of 1800 characters wi...
Yes, you can click the vertical border on the right side of the table pane in the Anycount word count tool [] to either hide or show the graphs, or click and drag to change their width.
Before adjusting the settings for a specific format, you need to add a file of the required format to the program. Use the "Add" or "Add from Web" functions on the "Files" screen of the the Anycount word count tool [].
Click on the "Units" button at the top of the Anycount word count tool [] screen. The drop-down list behind the "Selected" button will allow you to select the unit, and the "All" button will allow you to customise existing units or c...
Anycount can use a "Characters with spaces" counting methods to include spaces and tabs, but will not track them separately from other characters.
If enabled, this option creates TXT files that precisely record the text the program recognised during a counting session. These files can be viewed by clicking the "texts" button in the Results window.
You may experience issues with your existing AnyCount 2021 OCR+ application with the following symptoms: The application requests your email and password. When you put them in, the message appears: Registration not successful. Error connecting with...
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