Knowledgebase : Other > AnyMem

Themida is protection system by Oreans Technologies, used to protect AnyMem from hacking. This is not a virus. Most likely, your Anti-Virus database does not contain signatures of the latest Themida versions. We assure you that all the files on our downl...
AnyMem can build a translation memory using a bilingual DOC file. To obtain a TMX from a bilingual file, please do the following: 1. Run AnyMem. 2. Open the required translation memory or create a new one (on the Memory menu click New or Open). 3. On the...
Currently, AnyMem supports only MS Word file formats.
AnyMem translation memory can be exported into a TMX file, which can then be opened in any TMX viewing application. To export to TMX, on the Memory menu click "Export". Also, you can search for a certain word directly in the translation memory. AnyMem wi...
You need add a translation to the currently open segment before the next segment can be opened. Alternatively, please pause the translation, and manually place the cursor before the next segment. To pause the translation, on the Translation menu click "I...
At the moment there is no such possibility. But when you finalize a document, AnyMem automatically creates a backup file (.bkdoc) for the tagged document. This backup file can then be used to edit the translation of the segments.
Once opened, a segment cannot be closed blank. To avoid translating a segment, please click the "Get from source" button to copy the source into the target.
There is no way to manually assign segments, but you can configure segmentation rules: 1. On the Memory menu, click Configure. 2. Click "Segment rules". 3. Click the New button to create a new rule. 4. Assign a character which will delimit the segment.
All supported languages can be viewed when creating a new translation memory in AnyMem. To create a new memory, please close any currently open memory (on the Memory menu click Close), then click Memory >> New. Languages are listed in the Source language/...
AnyMem 2.0 is our first translation memory software, which will, in the future, be enriched with additional features (like an anticipated tag editor and standalone UI). For the moment, the features are as follows: 1. Compact installation. AnyMem does not...
You may experience issues with your existing AnyCount 2021 OCR+ application with the following symptoms: The application requests your email and password. When you put them in, the message appears: Registration not successful. Error connecting with...
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