Knowledgebase : AnyCount Word Count > AnyCount Technical Issues
The AnyCount word count tool [] can be run from the command line: anycount.exe file_name /c /c is the command to start the count. The results will be displayed in a regular AnyCount window.
Administrator rights are required only for the installation of the AnyCount word count tool [], not for using it.
The AnyCount word count tool [] searches for automatic updates on the Internet when starting. It can be blocked by your firewall software because of its network activity. Please make sure that Anycount is added into the trusted (safe)...
Yes, the AnyCount word count tool [] can count files located on network drives. Please keep in mind that this may slow down the counting process.
The AnyCount word count tool [] is designed mainly for translation needs, as a Windows application. Unfortunately, AnyCount does not have an API to be integrated into other applications.
Some anti-viruses may false-detect Themida as a virus. We are aware of this situation. Most detections happen with Avira Free Antivirus (it states there is a TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen signature within the executable), but other anti-virus or anti-malware appli...
The current version of the AnyCount can count Adobe InDesign files if they are exported into the .PDF format. AnyCount supports word count in PDF [].
The AnyCount word count tool [] is not currently available as a web application. Do not have line count software [] installed? Try Line Count Software Free [] Order Line Coun...
Try to run the AnyCount word count tool [] in Admin mode (even if you work under an administrator account, all applications in Vista are opened with user's rights by default). In order to do this, open the AnyCount installation folder,...
To disable pop-up hints in the AnyCount word count tool [], please click on the Settings tab and uncheck the Show Hints checkbox as shown on the screenshot below. Do not have character count software [] insta...
This procedure is quite simple: 1. Download and install the Anycount word count tool []. Log into your downloads page at []. Retri...
Please do the following: 1. Once you have the count results, please go to the "Invoice" tab of the Anycount word count tool [] and click the "New" button. 2. Set the price and click the "Save and Open" button. 3. A standard "Save...
Versions 3D and older of the AnyCount word count tool [] uses Microsoft Office programs when processing documents. An error such as this may appear if you have recently manipulated your installattion of Microsoft Office (installing, ...
Please launch the Anycount word count tool [] in Admnistrator mode (right-click >> Properties >> Compatibility >> enable "Run this program as administrator"). Then, please check your MS Office settings. Please start MS Word, open "...
You may experience issues with your existing AnyCount 2021 OCR+ application with the following symptoms: The application requests your email and password. When you put them in, the message appears: Registration not successful. Error connecting with...
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