Knowledgebase : Other > ExactSpent

No. If TO3000 is not active when you pause, stop or complete a job in ExactSpent, the data about the job will be saved in a small file and uploaded to TO3000 during its next launch. Please note that this only applies to jobs that were originally transfe...
On its own, no. However, TO3000 3D does have such functionality, and the latest build can be integrated with the latest build of ExactSpent to receive data about the time spent on a job and incorporate it into invoices.
No. ExactSpent 3D can only be integrated with TO3000 3D.
When the main window is closed, ExactSpent is still active in the background. To fully shut down the program, please right-click its icon in the System Tray and select Exit, or select "Shortcuts > Exit" in the main window.
No, instances of ExactSpent and TO3000 do not have to be on the same account to connect.
The Help file is bundled with the program. Please press F1 while the program is active or click Help in the menu If you do not have the program yet, but want to familiarize yourself with it, please download the attached file.
You may experience issues with your existing AnyCount 2021 OCR+ application with the following symptoms: The application requests your email and password. When you put them in, the message appears: Registration not successful. Error connecting with...
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