Knowledgebase : AnyCount Word Count > Word Counting Problems
Usually, zero results during word count in PDF [] files mean that the files contain only image data. This means that the documents were scanned but not recognized. Only AnyCount 4D Enterprise can count such unrecognized PDF files. Th...
Recommended actions depend on the causes of this problem: 1. You do not have the corresponding application installed. (e. g. you count .ppt files but there is no MS Office Power Point installed on your PC). You have to install the corresponding software...
Please make sure that the file to be counted is not located on a network drive. The speed limitation of a network connection can cause the AnyCount word count tool [] to freeze. Move the files to a local drive and then add them for c...
1. If the AnyCount word count tool [] displays zero results for an XML file, please make sure that the file contains text between tags. Note that AnyCount counts text between the tags only. 2. If you see errors when counting xml fi...
Question: Using Anycount to count the characters in a Word file generates the following error message: Error opening MS Word application: Class not registered, Class ID: {000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} What is the problem? Answer: The most li...
A problem with extra words can be caused by graphics in your .pdf file. During word count in PDF [] files AnyCount's word count engine will count every graphic element as one word. Thus, if your .pdf file is recognized, then the 'PDF G...
Such a problem can occur if you have selected too few elements to count in .doc, .docx, .xls, .xslx, .ppt or .pptx file format settings. Please select all elements which you want to include in the counting process, and you will get correct count results f...
You likely have an incorrect language selected for the "Character Recognition" function of the Anycount word count tool []. To change the language, please perform the following steps: 1. Run AnyCount and add your image file. 2. Clic...
Please launch the Anycount word count tool [] in Admnistrator mode (right-click >> Properties >> Compatibility >> enable "Run this program as administrator"). Then, please check your MS Office settings. Please start MS Word, open "...
Please consider upgrading to the latest version of Anycount. You can download the program for a trial here: [] And purchase the upgrade to the Anycoun...
Some websites use files without extensions. These files are visible to Anycount, but the program will not be able to process them. This is not an error and does not require correction. The program is working is intended
AnyCount is a fully local program. No file data whatsoever is sent anywhere. All processing is handled locally.
You may experience issues with your existing AnyCount 2021 OCR+ application with the following symptoms: The application requests your email and password. When you put them in, the message appears: Registration not successful. Error connecting with...
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