Problem: When saving an invoice (or another document) as a file, the
dropdown list in Save As dialogue only shows .rtf and .pdf options.
Neither .doc mor .docx are displayed.
Translation Office 3000 and Projetex use some parts of the MS Wo...
The most likely reason for this is that your PDF reader does not
support the font used in the table.
Please edit the template in the following way:
Highlight everything between the scanentry and scanfooter tags and
change the font there to a more comm...
The Business Expenses table serves primarily to record one-time
miscellaneous expenses (e.g. upgrading computer hardware or software,
paying an advertiser, the cost of a business trip, etc.).
In short, anything not directly connected to the translation jo...
Here are some tips to improve the productivity of Translation Office
For example, using the corresponding filter box, you can show only
outstanding invoices if you do not need to...
Phantom payments are payments that are not added to the "payments"
list, but exist only as data in the invoice. Their primary function is
to cover small discrepancies in the invoice and actual payment, such
as bank fees or currency exchange deviations. Th...
You are likely using an older version of the program.
Please try out TO3000 3D.
You can download the demo here:
You will be able to order the upgrade here:
No, Currently TO3000 doesnot have such a function.
In earlier versions of TO3000 and Projetex (before version 3D), credit
notes were implemented as "negative invoices".
Projetex 3D and TO3000 3D have a separate table for credit notes, and
credit notes no longer use invoice codes.
Please try creating clients with the "New Client" button in the
"Client >> Main" table.
This most likely means that you are using TO3000 11 or older on
Windows 10.
The TO3000 11 File Manager is not fully compatible with the latest
builds of Windows 10
The only way to remedy this is to upgrade to TO3000 3D.
You can download a free trial he...
You may experience issues with your existing AnyCount 2021 OCR+
application with the following symptoms:
The application requests your email and password. When you put them
in, the message appears:
Registration not successful.
Error connecting with...
To upgrade, please follow these steps:
0. In your old version, please back up your database (Settings -
Database - Backup)
1. Install TO3000 5D with Empty database.
2. In 5D, go to Settings - Database - Restore and restore the database
from the old vers...