Knowledgebase : Projetex > Project Workflow Management
AHC - average hourly cost
JA - Job Assignment
PM - Project Manager (or Payment Method, depending on context)
PO - Purchase Order
To assign a job to a translator, please perform the following steps:
1. Select the Projects icon from the Ribbon.
2. Select a project you would like to assign translators to.
3. Go to the "Freelance jobs" tab (or "Corporate jobs" for an
in-house tr...
In Projetex 3D, projects can be deleted along with all the client and
expert jobs included in them. This can be done either from the general
project list of from the Projects tab of a specific client.
Note: you will need to confirm your intention to del...
Projetex has many more accounting functions and a lot of additional
features for tracking jobs, invoices, payments, quotes, etc. Projetex
was designed specifically for translation agencies, and necessarily
has many more accounting features than TO3000, wh...
Currently, freelancers have no direct access to the Projetex system,
unlike in-house experts.
However, you can link a freelancer's database entry to their FTP
folder, allowing you to exchange files more directly than e-mail, or
other similar methods, wo...
Currently, Projetex is designed for internal use only. Clients and
Freelancers have no direct access to the system.
You can search the freelance translator database in Projetex in two
A. By clicking Search on the Main tab of the Freelancer window.
B. By clicking Search on the Freelance Team tab of the Project
This special Search function will allow ...
If you want to see all entries started/finished in a specific time
interval (for example, jobs which were finished till 31/12/2005) you
can use the Global Date Filter.
You can set the exact period (select "Custom Period") or select
"Preset period" and th...
When you invoice somebody, the sum you enter is not necessarily the
sum you receive due to transfer costs, your bank charges etc. However
the program insists the invoice has not been paid and still displays
the invoice in red, which makes it di...
According to TO3000/Projetex logic, you need to create a Job for any
service you want taxes/discounts to be applied to.
The Search option is available in each window of the program, for
example, in the "Client > Main" page you can search using the Find
panel (type a symbol string and the table will display only the
entries where any of the visible colums contain that strin...
Untaxed adjustments, such as stamp costs, can be added on the
Adjustments tab of the New/Edit Invoice window. The Adjustment sum
(Volume field value) is considered in the Invoice Total, but taxes and
discounts are not applied to it.
You may use the foll...
The Invoice global code is the number of a specific invoice in the
global invoice numeration (i.e. considering all issued invoices for
all clients).
The Invoice number is the number in the numeration of invoices of a
particular client. That is why they ...
TO3000 and Projetex allow for the creation of separate price-lists for
each client (also for experts in Projetex), as well as a list of
general prices.
In addition, they include a multi-currency support feature, which
allows you to work with each client...
Each project can contain numerous client jobs of different kinds. Each
client job can be executed by several experts (freelance and/or
corporate). To assign an expert to a job, you need to create an expert
job in the scope of a particular client job and t...
All your workflow data is stored in the folder C:Program Files
(x86)Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL12.P3DMSSQLDATA In order to reset all
information, manually delete this folder and reinstall Projetex 3D.
During installation, please select "empty database". Thi...
Please check whether the Global Date Filter and Local Custom filter
are switched on or off. These filters boxes are located in the
top-right corner of the screen and the bottom of the table,
respectively. Disable all filters.
Please, do the following to export the client jobs report with the
necessary columns:
1) Open the "Projects > Client jobs" page using the Ribbon
2) Click the asterisk symbol in the top-left corner of the table to
see the columns available for this tabl...
Unfortunately, there is currently no way to batch-print invoices. You
can filter the displayed invoices by dwith the Global Date Filter and
the Local Custom Filter, and then print the invoices one by one.
You can order records in any table by any column. To order records by
a certain column, click the column header.
If you do not have the required column displayed, click the asterisk
in the top-left corner of the table and check the name of the required
Unfortunately, there is no way of changing the client of a project
after the project is created.
On the "General Prices for clients" and "Clients > Prices" pages you
can set the full price for a service per unit. In order to assign
different percentages in relation to the full price per unit for
different word matches, it is convenient to use the int...
The Adjustments tab of the New/Edit Invoice window accepts negative
values as well. Just type a "-" sign before the number.
Unfortunately, you can not restore voided invoices. The only solution
is to create new invoices instead.
Other than by description, there is currently no way to distinguish
the taxes you pay and the rest of the expenses on the Business
Expenses page.
Please switch to the "Calendar of client jobs" screen by switching to
the Calendar section in the Navitation bar, then select the required
calendar type in the ribbon, to view all projects or client jobs for
all clients.
Please try the following:
1) Go to Invoices from the client page (for a specific client) or to
the general Invoice list.
2) Click the Edit button in the Global Date Filter box (located in
the top-right corner of the screen).
3) Choose Preset period > ...
You can use both the Global Date Filter and Local Custom Filter to sum
up a part of your data under certain conditions.
Please click the Edit button in the Global Date Filter box in the
top-right corner of the screen. Choose "Preset Period > Month > Yea...
Unfortunately, in the current TO3000 and Projetex version there is no
way to filter out projects without any client jobs. You can do it only
manually, by checking every single project's jobs list.
Unfortunately, requested operations can be performed only manually.
You can add the necessary expenses to the system and then you can edit
these records to your needs. Automatic expense records are currently
You need to press the Create button in the left middle side of New
quote window before generating a quote RTF file.
Note: In TO3000 3D and Projetex 3D, the folder is created
automatically when it is called by the program for the first time
after the quo...
The easiest way is to create a new client record, and enter the data
required for new invoices for this client.
An alternative method is to create custom fields with new required
data for invoices in the "Client>Main>Custom" tab and create/adjust an
Problem: Invoice global code got changed from 319 to 001. But we want
our invoice to be continued from 320.
The most likely reason for this is that the 'Enable annual numbering
resets' checkbox is enabled in your Projetex. To make sure, go to
Projetex can send the following data to the server automatically:
1. Documents generated by Projetex (quotes, invoices, POs, etc.).
2. Modified locked files (to upload them to the server, click "Team >
Upload Changes").
Also, please note that Projet...
To create credit notes in Projetex 3D / TO3000 3D, please do the
1. In Projetex Workstation, go to Workspace>>Clients>>Client.
2. Select a client and move to the Credit Notes tab.
3. Click New and select the invoice to which the credit no...
Projetex has its own file sharing and synchronization system, which
does not require any additional folder sharing settings on the server
PC. It has two sets of files: on local machines (Business folders) and
on the server computer (BusinessServer folder)...
Freelancers can be searched by name for the freelance team in two
1. Go to "Projects > Project > Freelance Team", click the Add button,
select the type of search from the drop-down list, then type the name
of the appropriate freelancer and click t...
Projetex and TO3000 support all currencies. You can add any currency
you need. For this, please go to the "Corporate/Business Settings >
Currencies" page. Then click the New button and enter a currency's
3-letter abbreviation and a descriptive name to the...
Question: I have added a new job to Translation Office 3000, but this
is a very large project and it would be preferrable ifI could make an
'advance invoice' for 25% of the amount. Later it would then be
necessary to bill the other 75% of this invoice. Wh...
This issue can be resolved with the Phantom Payment function.
If you link an Invoice and corresponding Payment and the Total Paid
sum is less than the Invoice Total, this difference is displayed in
the bottom-right part of the window as Balance Due. By ...
You may edit the VAT Number by clicking the corresponding button in
the Client Profile page. To display the client VAT number in saved
documents, please use the CLIENT_VATNUM variable.
To send an e-mail to a client, please do the following:
1. Go to the Client section > Client window > Main tab.
2. Select a required client and click Contact Info > Send (see Picture
1). This will open the program's built-in Mail Sender.
3. If you hav...
To sort jobs in your invoices by Job Code, please go to TO3000 >
Client > Invoices. Double-click on your invoice, then click on the
header of the field you want to sort by. Then click the 'Save and
Open' button.
The generated document will have the same...
Projetex has its own folder structure, which is located in the
Business folder. Inside this folder, several main sub-folders are
created, including Clients and Projects. When a client is created in
Projetex, the appropriate folder is created for this clie...
There are three main search mechanisms in TO3000 and Projetex:
1. The Find panel (Local search): Enter any string into the panel and
the table will display only those entries that contain the string in
any visible field.
2. Local Custom Filter: Set up...
All POs are linked to their projects. It is impossible to create a PO
which includes freelance jobs from different projects.
Unfortuanately, it is impossible to restore a deleted client. However,
you can restore your database from the most recent backup file by
going to "Projetex Server Administrator > Database > Restore". This
will restore your database to the state when your ...
If your invoice is locked, you can do the following to unlock it:
1. Go to the Payments tab.
2. Open a payment which is linked with that invoice.
3. Switch to the "Linked with Invoices" tab and delete the invoice
4. Click the OK button.
The Assignment and Deadline dates of a Client Job always default to
the corresponding dates of the project.
The Assignment date of Corporate and Freelance jobs defaults to their
creation date, while the deadline defaults to the deadline of their
parent ...
You can use the "Adjustments" tab in the invoice window.
You can write something like "Extra Words Fee" or anything else in the
This adjustment will increase the invoice total and will be displayed
with descriptions in the invoice. Addi...
You can select the required Discount or Markup from the drop-down
lists is the Edit Invoice windows.
By the way, you can always add/edit/delete any discounts or markups at
"Business Settings>Discounts/Markups".
You can automatically include your non-invoiced client jobs to
invoices using mass invoicing. For this, please do the following:
1. Go to the Clients tab and the Invoices to Clients table.
2. Click the 'Mass Invoicing' button.
3. Select all requires...
Please do the following:
1. Go to the CORPORATE EXPERTS list and select the expert in question.
2. Switch to the CALENDAR tab.
4. Now you can see the schedule of your selected expert for the
current time and...
Q: I see that Projetex has the project code in 4 digits.
That means the maximum project code is 9999.
What will happen when we reach project code 9999?
A: Projetex supports project codes with more that 4 digits.
After you create project number 9999, ...
Most likely you have created a user with NORMAL access rights. This is
a standard project manager's account type. Users with NORMAL access
rights can see only clients assigned to them. If you would like this
user to see all the clients, please switch the ...
1. You can create a payment equal to the received amount by going to
CLIENT > PAYMENTS and clicking the NEW button.
2. Then your payment will be created, but all the money will be
unlinked (unspent) as you can see in Picture 1.
3. When you have perfor...
In the database the global code is only a sequential number. The
Prefixes and suffixes are only seen in the user inteface.
The filter sorts globally only by the sequential number portion. The
Prefixes and Suffixes are not taken into account.
You can create a new "Group of services" called, for example,
"Downtime", with "services" like "sick leave", and add them as dummy
"jobs" to the Jobs list.
Groups and services are created in Coprorate Settings on a
You can create a checkbox-type custom field in the Client Jobs table,
call it, for example, "Invoiced externally" and mark the jobs that
Read about creating custom fields in the "Projetex Administration >>
Database Customization" chapter in the Proje...
No, currently the labels on the flags can not be altered.
No, quotes and invoices are completely independent entities.
Currenntly, the programs have no such functionality.
The program will not send any reminders about future marketing events
in "Client >> Marketing". You will have to check yourself.
Please open that invoice and switch to the "linked with payments" tab.
You will see the invoice's associated payment there.
You can switch to the client's "Payments" tab, find the payment and
either unlink it from from the invoice (double-click >> Linked...
No, there is no way to eliminate the zeroes. They are there on
purpose, to ensure correct sorting of the invoices.
First, you will need to convert the Prospect to a Client. In the
Prospect list, click the hamburger icon and select "Move to Clients".
Then, In the Client Quotes table, use the "Create project based on
Quote" function.
Work files are not uploaded manually.
When you add a new file or edit an existing one and want to upload
them, select the files and click the "upload" (red up arrow) button.
Keep an eye on the Status of the files: "Local" means the file exists
only on...
Using the "Copy from General" function in the clients' price lists,
you can select prices from the general list with CTRL+click,
SHIFT+click or CTRL+A, click "copy price", then confirm with "Yes to
Payment methods are indicated in invoices to show how the client is
expected to pay. When the payments arrive, they are linked to a
corresponding invoice.
Currently, each Corporate Expert can only see and interact with the
jobs that were assigned to them specifically.
Currently, each Corporate Expert can only see and interact with the
jobs that were assigned to them specifically.
No, a single job can only include a single service.
In the "Edit Invoice" window you can adjust the width of the columns
in the Job table by clicking and dragging the gap between the column
headers, and change their position by clicking and dragging the
headers themselves.
If the required field is not in...
Projetex, does not support such functionality.
Apossible workaround is replacing the client names and client PM names
in the database with "code names", so that only administrators know
which code corresponds to whom.
Such fixed fees are best added as an Adjustment.
Click the Adjustment tab in the "edit invoice" window and enter the
To display adjustments in your custom invoice templates, please use a
construction similar to this one:
Some reports and filters may use different date columns when dividing
jobs by year.
For example: The Client Jobs dynamic report looks at the Completed
date of a job, while the global filter looks at the Creation date.
The best way to do that would be to open each required job and select
the "On hold" or "cancelled" special status for it.
The Special Status menu will be near the bottom right corner of the
"edit job" window.
Currently, changing the name ofthe pre-attached file in the mail
sender requires a few extra steps:
1. In the "edit invoice" window, click "Save" and enter the new name
of the file in the "Save as" window. Click OK.
2. Click "Send Mail", right-click the e...
The numbers in a project name are still treated as text, and sorted as
I recommend sorting the projects by code instead. Just click the
header of the "code" column.
Projects are numbered sequentially, so the numbers should line up
No, currently the program does not have such functionality.
Please check the lengths of your file names and Project folder names.
Projetex/TO3000 can not properly see files where the full path is too
Please try shortening the file name, or open the Server Administrator,
go to "Corporate Settings >> Fold...
Please open the job for editing and take a closer look at it.
If it has an "Included in invoice" message in the Edit window, it is
already included in an invoice.
If you can not see that invoice in the list, please disable all active
On the server machine, please go into "Task Manager >> Services" and
make sure that the service "Projetex3DFileSrv" is both present and
If it is not there, please run the program's installer again (do not
uninstall the server software, just instal...
Go to the "Payments" tab of the Client's table.
There you will be able to create new payments.
After you enter the value of the payment, switch to the "linked with
invoices" tab and click "New link" to select the invoice.
Please select "Freelancers >> Payments" in the Ribbon.
You will see a "Mass Payments" button in the window.
Click it, select the required freelancer(s) and the "One payment per
PO" option, and click "Generate".
Yes, the date of a Marketing Tracker record can be set to any point in
the past or future.
The job itself is likely not marked as completed.
Please do the following:
1) Unlink the payment from the invoice.
2) Edit the the invoice and disable the "Invoice approved" option.
3) Edit the job and make sure that it has nno specialstatus and t...
If you are looking for a specific two-word phrase, please enter the
words in quotation marks.
This will instruct the program to specifically search for that exact
sequence of characters, uncluding the whitepsace in the middle.
The global data filter only searches Jobs by creation date, not
completion date.
To search specifically by completion date, try using the Advanced
filter instead.
Try the condition "Completed between and "
The new invoice is likely outside the scope of your active filters.
Please disable all filters.
Everything is saved when you click OK in the New/Edit windows.
No? "partial inclusion" of corporate expenses into balance is not
currently supported.
You might emulate the "partial inclusion" with regular invoices via
"discounts" or "taxes", but you will need to always keep in mind that
the totals in the invoices ta...
No. The "Search for freelancers" dialog window can not be customised.
However, you can add custom fields to freelancer table itself in the
"Corporate Settings >> Fields" of the Server Administraotor, and
create filters with those fields in the Workstati...
When creating a new invoice, you can easily add multiple jobs at once
to it by holding the CTRL key and clicking on the required jobs in the
"Add jobs to invoice" dialog.
You can use the Clone function to copy client jobs, then edit the
requited fields.
Click the hamburger icon in the "Project >> Tree" tab and select
When creating or editing projects/jobs/invoices etc., Projetex
workstations always use the current system's time.
Q: more and more customers switch to self billing. This means I do not
send invoices to them, nor do they accept such. How am I to handle
such jobs in TOM? They keep appearing as not invoiced, but I do not
want to see them in the "not invoiced" filter.
Projetex 3D has a built in protection measure against accidental
client deletions.
Wheneever you try to delete a client, you will need to manually enter
the client's code in a special field to confirm your intention.
You may experience issues with your existing AnyCount 2021 OCR+
application with the following symptoms:
The application requests your email and password. When you put them
in, the message appears:
Registration not successful.
Error connecting with...
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